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Business Law Emergency Medical Transport

Essay Instructions:

Introductory course of business law, please look at ppt first, then answer the questions in the title document, be sure to answer according to the contents of ppt

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Business Law
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April 19, 2019
1 A. If you are an attorney representing a mixed race candidate to be Chief Human Resource Manager for a Coffee Manufacturer, who was fully qualified for the position but has been turned down for it, and an apparently less qualified white male has been hired for the position, what elements would you have to prove for a case of Disparate Treatment under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and what defenses should you anticipate from the Coffee Company?
1 The case at hand could be classified as a case for disparate treatment as according to law. Under Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964, any kind of action related to “hiring, firing, promotion, compensation, or any other aspect of employment”, that is discriminatory is thereby prohibited. Accordingly, in this action, the burden of proof lies in the employee who alleges disparate discrimination in treating him. To show this however, the employee must be able to establish four elements in a prima facie case, which was outlined in the case of St. Mary’s Honor Center vs. Hicks (509 US 502), to wit; (1) that the plaintiff is a member of a protected class, (2) that the plaintiff applied and was qualified for the job, (3) that his application was rejected, an...
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