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Discipline Issues Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a brief response to each of the following prompts:

Defend or attack the following statement: Manifestation determination is an essential component of the discipline process for students with disabilities and should not be eliminated as part of the paperwork-reduction efforts.

What may be some of the unintended results of the IDEA Amendments of 2004 in regard to students with disabilities?

Refer to the case Bill Honig, California Superintendent of Public Instruction v. John Doe and Jack Smith, starting on page 205 of Special Education Law:

Would this case have been moot if both Doe and Smith had been older than 21 at the time the Court reviewed it?

How does Congress’ most recent concern of returning decision-making ‘power to local and state school districts’ differ from Congress’ 1975 mistrust of local and state school districts’ ability to place students with disabilities?

Refer to the case Martin Light v. Parkway C-2 School District on page 207 of Special Education Law: What is the appropriate test for a district court to use in determining a transfer of a student with disabilities under Honig v. Doe and Light v. Parkway C-2 School District?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discipline Issues Reflection Paper  Name Institution Date of Submission Discipline Issues Reflection Paper  Manifestation determination is indeed an essential component of the discipline process for students with disabilities and should never be eliminated as part of paperwork-reduction efforts. The manifestation determination helps to prove whether particular misconduct was pegged on the child’s disability or directly linked to the failure to implement the IEP of the child by the LEA. Once, the reason has been established the child can then be helped through functional behavioral assessment (FBA) or behavioral intervention plan (BIP). When it has been found that the above two reasons did not prompt the child actions, and then the child can face punishment fully as one that is not disabled ("Manifestation Determination," n.d.). The unintended result of the IDEA Amendments of 2004 is the treatment of all misconducts of disable children as Manifestation determination. Some children and parents may blame the child’s fault on their disabilities rendering the whole process of manifestation determination questionable. The case would have been moot for both John Doe and Jack Smith had they been older than 21 on review of the cases since at the time the Education for All Handicapped Children Act( EAHCA) did not cover individuals ab...
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