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Juvenile Delinquency is One of The Major Problem

Essay Instructions:

Fact Pattern

You're employed by a private consulting firm, Juvenile Administration, which specializes in the field of juvenile justice in all its applications. Your firm is often retained by school districts and municipalities to advise them on the law and to suggest solutions for specific issues and problems in this most important and complex area.

Juvenile Administration has been retained by your local school district, which is interested in revamping many of the procedures that it currently has in place concerning its administration of various juvenile justice issues. For this project, you don't have to research the procedures being used by your local school district. Assume that the district wants to operate from a clean slate and is interested in a wide array of information you must supply, even if it's already employing some of the methods and procedures included in your information.

The managing partner in your firm assigns you as the chief project manager for this client. After many weeks of meetings with the members of the school district's administrative board, you've been able to catalog their concerns into four major categories.

Assignment 1: Juvenile Crime Problem


The school district wants information on the nature of the juvenile crime problem in your community. It wants to know the prevalence of the various types of crime. It also wants to know how the district's juvenile crime rates compare with other communities throughout the nation.

Also, the district wants to learn about the latest studies and findings on the factors that contribute to juvenile crime and violence, including the economic, social, and familiar influences.

Finally, some of the school administrators have heard that other school districts are working with the National Crime Prevention Council. They want to find out more about this agency, its methods of operation, the programs it administers, and whether it can be a valuable tool for them to use in addressing some of their problems.


As the chief project manager, you must respond to these issues in a comprehensive, relevant written research analysis. You're free to use all available research tools, including the FBI UCR, which should be used to gather details related to crime information in your community.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Juvenile Delinquency is One of The Major Problem
           Juvenile delinquency is one of the major problems facing American communities today. This problem has raised concern due to the increasing number of crimes committed by young people. Regular reporting of various offenses committed by delinquents and criminologists’ warnings of an imminent tide of vicious juveniles have affirmed a belief that young people are highly vulnerable to various types of crimes (Snyder, 2019). A recent Uniform Crime Report (UCR) indicates that young people are often arrested and charged for violent crimes like assault, robbery, arson, burglary, vandalism, homicide, possession of weapons, and larceny/theft (McCord et al., 2021). Drug-related crimes such as drug abuse, drug possession, drunk driving, liquor law violations, intent to sell drugs, and drunk and disorderly conduct are also prevalent among young people (McCord et al., 2021). Additionally, juveniles frequently commit status offenses. These are noncriminal acts considered a law violation because an individual is a minor. They include truancy, curfew violations, underage use or possession of alcohol and other substances, running away from home, and incorrigibility. 
           An increasing number of adolescents are becoming involved with the juvenile justice system. According to the latest statistics, children below thirteen years are involved in almost 30% of juvenile arrests for arson and nearly 20% of arrests for sex offenses and vandalism (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). Status offenses also account for about 20% of juvenile delinquencies in the community (Snyder, 2019). These figures indicate that the prevalence of juvenile crimes in the community is relatively high compared to other communities that have recorded a decreased rate. In some communities, juveniles make up about 6 to 12% of all crime victims known to law enforcement (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, n.d.). Overall juvenile arrests in these communities have declined over two decades, although patterns vary by demographic group and offense. However, despite the different prevalence, juvenile delinquency remains a significant social issue that the criminal justice system needs to addre...
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