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Foundation of the Development and Functions of Police

Essay Instructions:

To understand contemporary policing in America, it is essential to understand the history by looking at the past eras. The police have day-to-day practices influenced by deeply ingrained traditions. It’s also necessary to comprehend how an officer’s career begins, from the academy to the street. The effective partnership between the police and the community must also be understood to better appreciate the development and functions of police. 

Using the feedback you received from your professor from Assignment 1, revise your five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1.Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the political and reform eras of policing. 

2.Identify the skills and knowledge that are imparted to police trainees during their academy training and explain the importance of these skills in relation to real world applications.

3.Provide your own definition of community-policing and explain the difference between community policing and traditional policing.

4.Critically examine the important elements of implementation and evaluation phases of community policing and problem solving.

5.Determine the top five (5) qualities that detectives and undercover officers need to possess (one [1] being the most important). Provide a rationale for your response.

6.Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Foundation of the development and functions of police
Response to question 1
The political era of policing happened between 1840 and 1930 while the reform era of policing took place between 1930 and 1980. Second, the political era witnessed police officers seeking a good relationship with the community while, in the reform era, the relationship between the community and the police force worsened. That implies that in the political era, the police relied heavily on information from citizens to track criminal activities in the country. However, the regime suffered numerous setbacks because some community members deliberately refused to provide the relevant security information and instead collaborated with criminals (Oliver, 2015).
Third, in the political era police departments and their staff heavily relied on political influence to dictate their daily activities while, in the reform era, the police departments became independent and carried out their duties without consulting politicians in the country. In the political era functions and tactics used by police depended on the leadership style of the elected leaders hence officers in the police force would be recruited and promoted depending on their political loyalty in the country (Oliver, 2015). On the contrary in the reform era, the constitution separated the police force into different units and assigned each group specific tasks. That, therefore, meant that police recruitment relied on the ability of the officers to execute the functions specified in the Constitution.
The political era had limited technology and hence the police had to walk for long distances and develop good police-community relations to make their work easier. On the other hand, the reform era witnessed the use of technology in the police department to improve the efficiency of services (Oliver, 2015). The reform era witnessed a revolution where police officers began using fast police cars to patrol security in the country. Furthermore, adoption of technology changed the methods of communication in the police force and hence investigating criminal activities became easier.
Response to question 2
Resilience is one of the skills imparted to police trainees. Police work in a hostile environment where they face all forms of assaults from the criminals and the general public. The skill, therefore, enables police trainees to cope up with stressful situations so that they can face the hostile working environment with courage. Another skill imparted in police trainees is effective decision-making ability (Warners, 2015). Police officers have to make crucial decisions from time to time. For instance, they must decide whether to apprehend or not to apprehend traffic offenders in busy highways. They also have the task of deciding when to hold, release or charge suspects, since the decisions involved are hefty the police officer must develop the skill in the initial training stage.
Teamwork also forms part of the core competencies imparted to police trainees. Teamwork plays a significant role in police service as it makes coordination of police activities easier. Through teamwork, police officers can strategize on detecting crime and making arrests in the shortest time possible. Police trainees also need the skill because, in their line of duty, they have to corporate with other professionals, such as educators, emergency service workers and firefighters. Knowledge concerning human rights also forms part of the knowledge and skills imparted to police trainees. That is important because while dealing with criminals the law prohibits police officers from violating human rights. For example, a police officer should not beat or injure a criminal as that violates human rights enshrined in the constitution (Warners, 2015). Finally, police trainees receive knowledge on modern technology in their training sessions. That is because, in the modern world, most criminal have opted to use sophisticated equipment. For instance, the police trainees get knowledge on how to disarm and arrest criminals travelling in armored bullet proof vehicles.
Response to question 3
Community policing refers to a policing strategy that instils and fosters a sense of community within a geographical region to improve the security of the entire community (Oliver, 2015). Usually, the community gets the opportunity to elect a certain number of individuals who work with the security agencies to represents their safety concerns.
Differences between community policing and traditional policing
Community policing focuses on the partnership between the public and the police force to detect criminal activities. On the other hand, in traditional policing only the police force have the responsibility of ensuring safety for the citizens (Maximino, 2015). Community policing relies on the trust of the citizens to handle security issues while traditional policing relies on the efficient investigative police units to address security challenges.
Traditional policing is primarily reactive in nature. That is, ...
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