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IT & Computer Science Essay: Systems Thinking

Essay Instructions:


You are an employee at a consulting firm that assists other businesses in solving systems problems within their organizations. Ann Jemisin, president of Lost Pines Outfitters, a local and online clothing retailer, has asked for your assistance. During the intake process, she sends information on her company, their processes, and the issues they would like you to remedy. Your supervisor has asked you to create an analysis of the existing systems in Anne's business. Your analysis is an initial appraisal of the situation at Lost Pines Outfitters, making preliminary recommendations to address the issues identified by your client. As you write your analysis, focus on the application of systems thinking processes and best practices to the scenario and the identified issues.


System Analysis

Lost Pines Outfitters has provided you with a specifications document describing the current processes in place in their business, and the issues they would like to address through the application of systems thinking processes. Using this information, create an analysis that addresses the following requirements:

Description: Before you make recommendations to fix the system, you must first describe the system in its current state. In your analysis, identify the parts of the current system, and consider the main nodes of the system and the high-level processes and components in place at Lost Pines Outfitters. Once you have identified the parts of the system, describe the interactions and relationships between parts of the system and identify and describe the feedback loops in the system.

Recommendations: Once you have described the current system, examine the problems offered by the client. Using systems thinking principles, pose recommendations to existing systems based on client needs and systems thinking best practices. In your recommendation, consider both the interactions and relationships between parts of the system, as well as the feedback loops present. Then, describe the potential impact of changes to the system. In your recommendations and description, focus on the application of systems thinking concepts and best practices to the identified problems.

Modeling: Following your analysis and recommendation, construct a model of a system including recommended changes. This model should represent your recommended changes and include parts, interactions, relationships, and feedback loops for your recommended changes.

Conclusion: In the conclusion of your analysis, describe the benefits of systems thinking within a business environment. In this description, demonstrate how the application of systems thinking allowed you to analyze the problems and equipped you to solve the identified issues.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Systems Analysis

Generate a report that analyzes the current systems in place at Lost Pines Outfitters and recommends changes to these systems/processes in line with client requests. This report should include initial recommendations for process and technology improvements focused on enhancing the client’s systems. Additionally, the report should contain a visualization modeling the recommended system for the client.

Your report should be 900–1,250 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Systems Thinking
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Systems Thinking
I am so grateful for giving me this noble opportunity and responsibility to provide your company with a system analysis about your firm's functioning and determining how to improve its performance within your website inventory and retail systems. I also thank you for entrusting our organization with the mandate to strengthen your firm and deliver on our promises. I have examined your original mode and identified specific areas for enhancement. In this brief, I will explore and explain your company's original systems and suggest a new model and procedure that resonates with your requirement and bolster the business performance.
The original model starts with customers visiting the store to make purchases or order online their selected products. Beginning from the company's website and proceeding to the warehouse, it then narrows down to the warehouse employees and associates' roles that have different tasks to complete using one computer (Periac et al., 2017). The single computer is used to update inventory systems, in-store orders, pull clients online, locate items, track orders, shipping packages, packaging items, and dispatching off items to the USPS. Additionally, the warehouse depends on this computer to receive updates on their shipments' status until customers receive their orders. All along, the warehouse associates keep sending and updating these clients with a thank you note (Mulholland, 2017). In-store purchases are similar, although they are relatively simpler. In the latter, customers browse the inventory, visit the retail location, and directly buy their products. Customers draw the checklist for the site directly from the warehouse that serves online clients.
The original design depicts the paradoxes in the system's design. The company only has one computer which that is heavily used for updating inventory system, in-store orders, pulling clients online, locating items, tracking orders, shipping packages, packaging items, and dispatching off items to the USPS (Mulholland, 2017). Therefore, when different associates have separate work from other customers to complete simultaneously, the computer becomes the limiting factor that thwarts these functions' fulfillment, adding to delays. In retrospect, the delays are prevalent in the failure to update the inventory with customers' purchases. It is usually witnessed when an associate is waiting to use the same computer to, say, pull a client's order, when another employee is using it to, say, update another customer's tracking information (Periac et al., 2017). These delays arise when an associate is waiting for many other associates to complete their tasks with the computer to use the same computer to update an inventory or search for a retail store product. Failure to update customers' lists on time causes disruptions, and this may, in effect, disappoint customers.
When customers fail to get products listed as in-store because the ...
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