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2 pages/≈550 words
IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
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What is digital curation?: IT & Computer Science Essay

Essay Instructions:

this essay is kind of like a reading reflection.

there are two articles that you need to read before starting the essay.

the first one starts with G and the second one starts with O. The O one talks about digital curation while the G one talks about the platform.

All the requirements are in a doc called 341.

Here is a hint from the professor about the G article "I think Gillespie was trying to use the history of the word platform to dig beneath the surface of what YouTube/Google claim to be doing, in order to get a clearer picture of what it was actually doing. It would have been good to see you reflect a little bit more on that."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Curation
Due Date
Digital Curation
What is digital curation?
Digital curation involves the continuous process of selecting, collecting, preserving, maintaining, and archiving digital materials. This process starts during the conception of digital material and continues until its archival moment. The goal of digital curation is to ensure that digital assets or materials are available for current and future reference.
Currently, there is an influx of user-generated digital content as well as user-generated metadata. Aside from the above, development in technology also continues to create large chunks of digital material. As the above continues to happen every day, the need for resource findability continues to rise as well. This, thus, necessitates the development of mechanisms through which this digital material will continue to be relevant currently and in the long term. The preservation of digital material that digital curation seeks to achieve is one that maintains the relevance of digital data or significance over a period of time.
Preserving digital content or material over the life cycle is an expensive endeavor. So, digital curation calls for the investment of time and resources to ensure its success. Digital obsolescence is a problem facing digital assets. Significant chunks of data that were generated last year are already considered useless today. Such data is already lost and can never be retrieved. Investment in digital curation helps reduce the chances or dangers of digital obsolescence.
Researchers also benefit from digital curation. As already indicated, digital curation ensures the availability of digital material for future reference. High-quality research is thus enhanced as a result because of the presence of...
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