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Security Breaches Due to Digital Revolution

Essay Instructions:


(Chapter 5)

After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a three-page paper about two high-profile companies that faced security breaches in the last two months. Make sure to provide first a summary of the case and provide the URL link to the published articles. For each company, identify two vulnerabilities that enabled hackers to break into these companies' systems and write a responsible action plan.

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Submit an APA style formatted Word document.

Your document should contain your response (3 pages), a cover page and a reference page. Do not include an abstract. Five (5) pages in total.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Security Breach
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Security Breach
Security breach refers to any incident that emanates from unauthorized access to computer networks, data, applications, and devices. Typically, it happens when malicious individuals, including cyber terrorists, bypass a security mechanism. The occurrences have increased, especially in the recent technological era (Bendovschi, 2015). When a significant company encounters such incidences, its ways hit the headlines attracting many people's attention globally. Maintaining information confidentiality is among the fundamental values within an organization. Therefore, compromised data results in a wide range of consequences, including revenue loss, damaged brand reputation, hidden costs, or even intellectual property loss. The two companies that have experienced a security breach over the last two months include Daily Paris- Normandy and Manchester United FC.
Daily Paris- Normandy
In November 2020, the French newspaper organization, Paris- Normandy, became a victim of severe cybersecurity that prevented it from updating its website and disrupted the paper editions. Hence, it could only publish a single edition instead of the usual three. Although the newspaper declined to comment on whether the incident was a ransomware attack, two journalists confirmed a ransom demand. Ransomware allows cybercriminals to successfully encrypt organizational files, crippling all or part of the business (Archyde, 2020). Then, they demand a ransom to decrypt the files. It is still unclear whether the newspaper organization intends to pay up to restore its computer systems, although cybersecurity experts advise against it. The reason is that it marks the company as future attacks' soft target, and the malicious attackers could use the funds to launch other criminal operations.
The two vulnerabilities that enabled the hackers to break into the newspaper's computer systems include not updating the antivirus software regularly and inadequate employee training. Failure to deploy antivirus software as a protective measure can make the computer system vulnerable to cyberattacks (Jaccard & Nepal). Antimalware software as a protective measure can make the computer system vulnerable to cyberattacks. Again, many companies rely on employees alone to update it, increasing the vulnerability risk. The reason is that they are likely to decline updates, especially while in the middle of a project, because the activity forces one to close a program or restart a computer. Besides, most organizations do not offer cybersecurity training.
A responsible action plan involves updating the antivirus software regularly. More importantly, the company should consider adopting a multilayered security solution that incorporates firewalls, detection systems, email virus scanners, and intrusion detection systems. Besides, it should provide annual cybersecurity awareness training programs to provide option protection. The organization's areas include password management, locking computers, phishing, and online frauds.
Manchester United FC
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