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Leveraging Life, Hardship, and Education to Influence Positive Change in Latino Community

Essay Instructions:

Applicants must write and submit an essay addressing one of the topics below with a maximum of two pages typed, 12 point font, double spaced. *
Explain how you plan to leverage your life, hardship, and educating experiences to influence positive change in the Latino community.
Example: I am an Ex-convict I have successfully completed Parole obtain an AA degree and will obtain a BS IT & Cybersecurity 2023 overcame homeless and poverty successfully employee and a Mentor now for disadvantaged men and women

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Explain how you plan to leverage your life, hardship, and educating experiences to influence positive change in the Latino community
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Explain how you plan to leverage your life, hardship, and educating experiences to influence positive change in the Latino community
When a person is young, they feel like everything in life is perfect, and that is how it will always remain. However, this notion is far from reality. Once individuals grow up, they are suddenly struck by responsibilities and challenges that they never saw coming their way. Perhaps, the essence of a positive change is maintaining a grip over one's life during the toughest of times, overcoming hardships, and the way one molds personality for the future. Today, I would like to reflect upon my experiences and positively influence the Latino community.
When we talk about hardships, I have experienced quite a handful, and as tough as it initially was, I kept pulling through and making my way out of it. I was never a straightforward child. I was stubborn and used to getting things my way, but when I grew up, life showed me who's the real boss. I wasn't making enough money at one point, and it was not easy to even put a single meal on the table. Since I had no idea about responsibilities before, it was difficult for me to get used to his life where every penny came from the hustle. Debts and loans were the only way I could meet my educational expenses, but I never mind that because I wanted to make sure my academic background was strong enough to help bring a positive change to the Latino communities. However, I was not one of those who gave up quickly because I got many lessons while I was still in prison. I was proud to receive parole due to my compliance during my stay in prison. Besides, my dream to pursue IT education never died as I finished my first two-year bachelor's (AA) degree. I started working on a side hustle and a part-time job to make money as I continued my studies. Soon, by the end of 2023, I will have my BS in IT and Cybersecu...
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