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Summary of Articles Related to Technology

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Warm-Up Essay

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  1. Summary of an article related technology-related concern

Article title:

Article URL:

  1. Summary of an article related to new database technology or service

Article title:

Article URL:

  1. Concluding paragraph for the two articles above to explain how you as an IT professional would use this information.
  1. One-page summary of significant technology innovations over the last two weeks

Note: Scan the articles that appeared over the last two weeks. Use those articles to create your own one-page summary of significant technology innovations over the last two weeks and the major events that have occurred.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Warm-Up Essay
Prepared by:Date:
1 Summary of an article related technology-related concern
Article title: What Apple’s New Repair Program Means for You (and Your iPhone)
Article URL: /2021/11/17/technology/personaltech/apple-iphone-self-repair.html
Apple company indicated that it is on the verge of coming up with a program that will allow its users to carry out their repairs on Apple products if they are comfortable doing so. The company has already started selling the parts, tools, and instructions that will aid users to carry out repairs on their products.
2 Summary of an article related to new database technology or service
Article title: Andrew Ng X-Rays the AI Hype 
Article URL: https://spectrum.ieee.org/andrew-ng-xrays-the-ai-hype
The article talks about how the implementation of AI in the healthcare sector in the full cycle based on machine learning is not just about modeling but about establishing the correct data, deploying it, monitoring it, and feeding it back into the modeled AI system.
3 You are concluding paragraph for the two articles above to explain how you as an IT professional would use this information.
From the two articles, it is clear that technology is shifting on a digital scale and towards artificial intelligence, with most of the processes now being carried out by programs and robots. As an IT professional, I will have to adapt quickly to the market needs and do more on AI-related projects.
4 A one-page summary of significant technology innovations over the last two weeks
Pricing and software provider Zilliant has come up with a pricing engine software that will ensure that it delivers services related to its pricing engine to business-to-business companies faster and efficiently is. The companies believe...
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