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Distributive Testing Model (Ditest) Using a Scenario-Based Testing Technique

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will determine the testing scenario and plan for your practicum project. Testing scenarios assess the performance and functionality or a performance improvement project. The results help ensure the process and flows function as needed for the organization.
In 750-1,000 words, develop a testing scenario and a testing mitigation plan to validate the functionalities of the proposed informatics solution.
Meet with your mentor/preceptor and any appropriate stakeholders to review the testing scenario and testing mitigation plan. Ensure that the testing scenario and mitigation plan are relevant to the proposed solution and suitable for the organization.
Include the following:
Justify the purpose of your proposed testing scenario, how you developed it, and how it applies to your proposed informatics project.
Determine and discuss the items that need to be tested. Explain why these items are crucial in the testing process.
Propose strategies for implementing the testing. Include stakeholders crucial to the testing process.
Determine what specific elements are required for the testing phase and how the information will be gathered and analyzed.
Determine how the test results will be documented. Describe a post-testing mitigation plan for improving the informatics solution.
Refer to "Health Informatics Practicum Project Overview," located in Class Resources, for further information.
You are required to cite a minimum of three scholarly resources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content.
Include the time it takes to complete these tasks as part of the practicum hours.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
the performance measures are the number of texts and calls

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Informatics Applied Practicum: Testing Scenario and Mitigation Plan
Student's Name
Department, University
Course Name and Number
Professor's Name
Health Informatics Applied Practicum: Testing Scenario and Mitigation Plan
Healthcare institutions have embraced technology, and the majority are developing different technological innovations to execute healthcare services efficiently. The debate has shifted from acknowledging technology inclusion into the healthcare system to the viability of the deployed innovations. In other words, there is an urge to understand how best the developed systems address issues affecting healthcare, for example, the persistent issue of communication. According to Shadid and Thomas (2018), communication problem is prevalent in the healthcare system, resulting from ineffective hierarchical reporting structure and cultural background. More startling is that this problem leads to erroneous prescriptions and fails to meet clients' medication needs. This paper argues that a distributed testing model (Ditest) using a scenario-based testing technique is associated with positive outcomes regarding deploying a mass communication system in the healthcare system. Positive outcomes are also achievable through proper stakeholders' selection and critical testing phase elements identification.
Justification of the Purpose of the Proposed Testing Scenario, its Development Process, and its Application to Mass Messaging Project
As earlier noted, the program in question will be tested guided by a distributed testing model (Ditest) using scenario-based testing techniques. According to Mehmood et al. (2016), this testing approach is appropriate because it aligns with any commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) test automation tool and could be deployed at any testing level. The proposed testing scenario aims to identify the system's anomalies and ensure end users' needs are considered. Besides, applying the test scenario is confident that the system is performing its intended objective. These objectives can be satisfied by utilizing a scenario-based technique in several ways. A scenario-based testing technique is a hypothetical story that helps a system developer think through a complex problem (Mehmood et al., 2016). As such, this technique is essential because it offers latitude for a system developer to think about the system's intended objective and the stakeholders involved. In particular, the endgame ensures that end-users interact with the innovation easily. Further, this approach is appropriate because it gives better test coverage because it tests all system functionalities guided by a measurable objective and goal (Mehmood et al., 2016). In this respect, it is easy to uncover the system's defects. This testing scenario applies to the proposed project because it highlights possible cases in the nursing environment.
Software testing technique is effective when accompanied by other defect prevention techniques. The typical defect prevention technique is static analysis. Further, it is essential to develop a testing scenario guided by testing strategies, levels of testing, and understanding the system's characteristics, as outlined in figure 1 below (Mehmood et al. 2016). This program's testing scenario was developed with this basic knowledge by understanding its system, integration, usability, efficiency, and testing strategies such as black box and gray box, core elements to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Notably, the testing scenario was developed guided by the instinct of how best the system's functionalities represent typical cases of patients and nurses in the healthcare setting.
Figure 1. Quality Attributes, Levels, and Strategies of Software testing (Mehmood et al., 2016)
Possible Items to be Tested
Healthcare is a multifaceted field that goes beyond addressing the needs of nurses and patients to addressing issues related to communication in a diverse culture. The mass messaging innovation is expected to address these divergent views. The common feature to be tested is a customizable and self-learning library intended for nurses and patients who face difficulty reading and internalizing language outside their native language. This issue is crucial because healthcare needs to provide personalized care (Claeys et al., 2021). Another notable feature to be tested is group chat for nurses to have swift communications when delivering their duties. Lastly, testing automated scheduling and reminder features is also crucial. In this pandemic period and with the innovation of telehealth, most patients have opted to use technology while seeking treatment. Besides, the reminder feature helps nurses follow-up with patients to be confident the prescribed medications are working as intended. Figures 2, 3, and 4 below give a snapshot of what these features will look like in a typical situation.
Figure 2. Customizable and Self-Learning Library (Marko-Holguin et al., 2019)
Figure 3. Group Chat Feature (Marko-Holguin et al., 2019)

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