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Computer Science Essay: Final Paper – Information Technology Questions

Essay Instructions:

Remember each questions must be answered in at least a half of a page. So think of it as a 5 page paper.


1. Name and fully explain the 5 phases of the System Development Life Cycle. In your explanation what happens at the end of each phase and why is it important? Explain what happens throughout the entire process to ensure success.

2. Explain how the speed of storage devices and memory is defined.

3. Explain the evolution of the concept of an Enterprise Resource Planning system.

4. List six different file and disk management tools and briefly describe their functions.

5. The IT field has evolved into a dynamic robust information superstructure. Explain this evolution from Transaction Processing Systems to On-line Transaction Processing to Management Information Systems to Decision Support Systems to Expert Systems. In your answer how does Artificial Intelligence play a role?

6. The internet has created a wealth of opportunities for organizations. Define and explain how organizations like UPS use an intranet and an extranet to their advantage.

7. Define network topology, and explain the most common types of topologies. Define which type of topology is in use in the accompanying figure.

8. What is TCP/IP and how does it work? Define packet switching in the course of your response.

9. Explain a multidimensional database, its applications, and its main advantage.

10. List and explain the techniques used to gather data and information.

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Final Paper – Information Technology Questions
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
December 16, 2020
1 Name and fully explain the 5 phases of the System Development Life Cycle. In your explanation, what happens at the end of each phase, and why is it important? Explain what happens throughout the entire process to ensure success.
The five main phases of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) are; (1) planning, (2) creating, (3) developing, (4) testing, and (5) deploying.
First, the planning stage refers to the strategic analysis and creation of the operational plan wherein every stakeholder should be involved. It must include a thorough understanding of each step of the process, including the costs, feasibility, and even the risks and how to reduce them to ensure the project's success.
The second step is the 'creating' process. During this phase, the application's main functions should be designed to determine its main processes. Additionally, these designs must consider the functions and constraints to effectively create the Design document specification (DDS).
The third phase (developing phase) is where the main bulk of the program is created. During this process, the software could either be designed and developed by a single person or through teams' collaboration. This is one of the most essential phases since it is where the software is slowly brought to 'life.'
The fourth phase of the SDLC is the testing phase. During this phase, the software or application is already functional. However, aside from merely testing the software's functionality, testing is also necessary to ensure its profitability among potential consumers by testing it in a localized setting.
Finally, the 'deployment' phase marks when the software is released to the general market. Since the main bulk of the program is created during the early stages, the focus should shift towards automating systems and increasing sales reach.
2 Explain how the speed of storage devices and memory is defined.
The speed of storage devices and memory is primarily defined by its access time. This measure contemplates two time-related processes. On the one hand, this includes the time actually related to the client to read/write the data itself. However, since this process is relatively fast, the actual time for reading/writing data does not contribute too much to the time itself.
On the other hand, it also includes the time needed to locate a specific disk sector, also known as the 'seek time.' This is what contributes most to the overall time required for storage devices to read/write data since it has to consider a variety of factors such as the location of the sector and the volume of data recorded, among others.
3 Explain the evolution of the concept of an Enterprise Resource Planning system.
Enterprise Resources Planning systems or ERPs have evolved from the MRP and MRP II systems. On the one hand, one of its predecessors (MRP) 's primary function is to plan the materials required for the project only. This sole focus on resource planning makes an efficient and effective procurement process, which was also translated into the current ERP system version. On the other hand, the MRP II system was created to expand the MRP's original function scope. Since its scope has shifted towards creating a more expansive network, the system could be used for the whole plant level. As both of these were the main predecessor of the ERP, this system has connected every network like production, sourcing, and even distribution within various departments in the company.
4 List six different file and disk management tools and briefly describe their functions.
The six different file and disk management tools that can be commonly found in our computers are; (1) disk defragmenter, (2) Avast Antivirus, (3) search, (4) disk cleanup, (5) uninstaller, and (6) file manager.
First, a disk defragmenter allows for better access speed by rearranging current data into 'contiguous locations' to make its reading/writing faster.
Second, the Avast Antivirus helps locate 'malwares' by comparing each file in the computer with a list of codes that they have in their program/database. This helps in detecting the file and deleting it whenever needed.
Third, the computer's search function allows the computer's software to scour through its files for specific 'hits,' which could contain a character or criteria.
Fourth, the disk cleanup tool can be used to scour the computer's files for 'unused' applications and data or those with duplicate values and delete them. Through this, space for new data becomes available.
Fifth, the uninstaller is a software that removes a program and its root applications and data, thereby freeing space in the hard drive.
Finally, the file manager is the most commonly used software in that it provides an easy-to-use interface for managing files, such as the use of cut, copy, and paste, among others.
5 The IT field has evolved into a dynamic, robust information superstructure. Explain this evolution from Transaction Processing Systems to On-line Transaction Processing to Management Information Systems to Decision Support Systems to Expert Systems. In your answer, how does Artificial Intelligence play a role?
The evolution of the IT field has followed a robust informati...
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