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IT and Computer Science Essay: Assignment 2 – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Essay Instructions:

Finish the following five assignment(all)

There is no word limit and no standard answer for each question. But in as much detail as possible thank you!I will send you the document version separately. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately

Page 7-46 Assignment 2.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome While attending college for the past two years, you have worked part-time as a data entry clerk. Recently, you began to feel a pain in your right wrist. Your doctor diagnosed the problem as carpal tunnel syndrome, which is the most well-known of a series of musculoskeletal disorders that fall under the umbrella of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). Your doctor made several recommendations to relieve the pain. You want to learn more about this debilitating injury.

Do This: Use the web to investigate carpal tunnel syndrome. Research the carpal tunnel syndrome warning signs and risk factors. Find suggestions about proper workstation ergonomics to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Evaluate the differences among various treatment options. Does insurance typically cover treatment? Include in your discussion the average length of time of recovery. How should you change your workspace to help heal and prevent further damage? Should the company’s insurance pay for changes to your workspace? Why or why not?

Page 8-35 Assignment3

Manage Space on a Storage Device

As you use your computer or mobile device, chances are that you are storing more files and installing additional programs and apps. At some point, you might require additional space or need to improve performance on your storage device. While purchasing an additional storage device might seem like the best option, ways may be available to help you manage the space on your existing storage device so that an additional purchase is not necessary. The following steps guide you through the process of managing space on a storage device.


Review the files on your storage device and identify unused files you might be able to delete. Be careful not to remove files that the operating system, programs, or apps require to run properly.


View the list of programs and apps you have installed on your computer or mobile device. If you no longer need a program or app, uninstall it.


If you have files you may need in the future but not immediately, consider compressing them or copying them to an external storage device or to cloud storage. Verify the files have copied properly and then remove the files from your primary storage device.


If possible, defragment the storage device. If the storage device has not been defragmented recently, this process might improve performance significantly.


Search for and use any other tools that might be available in your operating system to maximize available space or improve performance. Note that some programs that claim to increase free space by compressing the files on your hard drive may slow your computer’s performance.


If the above options do not increase performance enough or create sufficient free space, you might need to purchase an additional storage device.


1. What files on your storage device might you consider deleting to save space? Why?

2. Does your computer or mobile device contain any programs or apps that you no longer need? How can you uninstall programs and apps from your computer or mobile device?

3. How does defragmentation help increase performance on your computer?

Page 9-36 Assignment3

Case Study

Family-Owned Coffee Shop You are the new manager for a family-owned coffee shop. The owners have asked you to recommend options for mobile operating systems for the new smartphones they would like to purchase.

Do This: Select two mobile operating systems to explore (such as Android, Windows (Mobile Edition), and iOS). Use the web to find industry experts’ recommendations and user reviews for each operating system. Include the different device types for which each is available. Examine differences in security, features, speed, and reliability. What security concerns exist? What security features enable you to protect the smartphone and its data? Which mobile operating system offers the best features? Which is considered faster and/or more reliable? Your office computers run macOS. Do compatibility issues exist with any of the mobile operating systems? If so, what are the issues? Can you find solutions that would enable you to sync data? Compile your findings.

Page 10-39 assignment 3

Test Your Internet Speed

Internet connection speeds will vary depending on the type of Internet connection you currently are using. If you believe your Internet speed is not what was promised by your Internet access provider, you can test your Internet speed to see how it is performing. The following steps guide you through the process of testing your Internet speed:


Turn off any computers or mobile devices that might be accessing the Internet, except for the computer on which you want to test your broadband speed.


If your broadband Internet service is provided through your phone company, do not talk on the phone during the test. If your CATV company provides your broadband Internet service, turn off all devices accessing the cable television. If you have cable boxes or converters, disconnect them from their power source so that they cannot communicate using the Internet connection while you are testing your broadband speed.


Run the browser.


Search for and navigate to a website that can test your Internet speed.


Click the button to start the test. The test may take up to one minute to complete before displaying results.


Internet speeds sometimes can vary with the time of day or day of the week. Repeat the previous steps to test your Internet speed at various times throughout the day, as well as on weekdays and weekends.


If you have any concerns regarding your Internet speed, contact your Internet access provider.


1. What is the speed of the Internet connection on the computer or mobile device you currently are using?

2. Test your Internet speed while other computers and mobile devices also are using the Internet connection. How do the results vary from when your other devices are turned off?

3. Do you see differences in the Internet speed when you test it during the day versus at night? If so, what might explain these differences in speed?

Page 11-45 assignment 2

Use a Research Database

Students often use one or more research databases to locate information about a particular topic. Research databases often can be accessed in a public or school library, through a library’s website, or through the research database’s website. The following steps guide you through the process of using a research database:


Locate and then navigate to the research database that contains the information you are seeking. Consult a librarian if you need assistance in determining the exact database you should use.


Determine the location from which you can access the research database. For instance, you may need to access some research databases from a library computer. Other databases are accessible from anywhere if you can verify your identity as a library patron or a student. Some databases are available to the public at no charge or with no other restrictions.


Navigate to the research database you plan to use.


If the research database contains an option to perform an advanced search, click the option to perform the advanced search.


Specify the search criteria. Note that not all research databases will request the same search criteria. The following list contains some common criteria:

1. Keywords

2. Author

3. Publication date

4. Publication type

5. Education level


Run the search.


Browse the search results and then click the search result that interests you.


1. Why might you want or need to use a research database?

2. What research databases are available through your school’s library?

3. Evaluate three research databases that you may need to use throughout your academic career. Which one do you like the most? Why? Which one do you like the least? Why?

Page 12-32 assignment 1

Making Use of the Web

Careers and Employment

It is a good idea to acquire information before graduation about the industry in which you would like to work. While your teachers provide valuable training and knowledge to prepare you for a career, they rarely teach you how to begin a job search. You can broaden your horizon by searching online for career information and job openings.

Career websites provide details about training and education requirements, employment outlook, industry trends, and salary data. They also offer advice on writing a cover letter and resume, applying for jobs online, networking, and preparing for an interview. When you are offered a job, turn to these websites to obtain industry salary comparisons and negotiation techniques.

Job seekers can search employment websites, such as CareerBuilder, Dice, and Monster, for specific position openings worldwide. The jobs can be sorted by category, industry, location, date posted, job title, and keywords. Some websites list job fairs and separate the listings by categories, such as entry level, part time, summer, and temporary.

Source: CareerBuilder

Research This: (a) Visit at least two career websites and review the resources. What type of career advice is given? Are aptitude tests available? What tools are provided to manage a job search, such as tips for writing a cover letter and resume, job search mistakes to avoid, search strategies, and online social network tips?

(b) Use at least two employment websites to search for three job openings in your field. Which positions are available? What are their salaries, locations, required education and experience, and job descriptions? Can job seekers post a resume? Are company profiles and salary comparison available? Do these websites have mobile apps?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course Code:
Assignment 2 – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist CITATION Nat20 \l 1033 (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2020). CTS can be treated by nonsurgical procedures that include bracing or splinting. The patient can also take anti-inflammatory drugs. Other common treatment options are nerve gliding exercises and activity change. In severe cases, the patient can undergo a surgical procedure to open the median nerve tunnel.
Private insurance covers CTS treatment. Depending on the severing of the injury and mode of treatment, the recovery period can be several weeks to a year for the patient to be able to use the hand for heavy activities. Some workplace changes that can help prevent and heal CTS include; taking short, frequent breaks, changing your computer mouse, keeping your hands warm, improving your sitting posture, and reducing your force and grip when working. Insurance should not be forced to pay for changes in the workplace as the employer should provide a safe and conducive work environment for the employees.
Assignment 3 – Manage Space on a Storage Device
1. What files on your storage device might you consider deleting to save space? Why?
I’d first consider deleting multimedia files. They are usually large; hence deleting some of them might free up a lot of space. Multimedia files include movies, unnecessary photos, and audio files. However, each file would be evaluated independently as some may be too valuable, and I may need to back them up elsewhere before deleting them.
2. Does your computer or mobile device contain any programs or apps that you no longer need? How can you uninstall programs and apps from your computer or mobile device?
Yes. There are some programs and apps on my device that I no longer need. My operating system offers ways to remove any installed program. Therefore, I’d navigate to the window allowing me to uninstall the program and follow the on-screen instructions till the program is uninstalled from my device.
3. How does defragmentation help increase performance on your computer?
The process of saving files into a storage device requires the computer to fragment the file and save it in several locations. For each iteration of deletion or saving a new file, the entries on the storage device become more ‘scattered.’ As more files become stored or deleted, the computer takes longer to access the file because it requires additional disk drive READ to find the pieces. Defragmentation finds and consolidates fragmented files; hence the system accesses the files faster. New files are also less likely to be fragmented. Therefore, defragmentation helps reduce the disk drive READ, thus improving performance.
Assignment 3 – Case Study
iOS is available on iPhones only. However, it is important to note that there are several editions of the iPhone. Android is open source and therefore is available in nearly all other smartphone manufacturers. They include; Samsung, HTC, Nokia, Blackberry, etc. Since each manufacturer releases several editions of each device with different hardware capabilities, all devices have subtle differences when it comes to performance, speed, and reliability.
Some security features offered on both iOS and Android devices includ...
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