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Writing Module Reflection History Research Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This activity will complete the first week's Class Orientation Module. By now, you have completed the following:

Read articles providing insight into writing like an historian

Viewed slidesPreview the document of me explaining why I think History matters!

Learned the basics of proper citations

Now it is time for you to put it all together and reflect on the progress you've made during the first week! In a brief 500-750 word post, please reflect on what you have learned so far. This will serve as a model for following unit reflection posts.

There are no right or wrong answers, but you may wish to explore why history matters, the basics of writing about history, or could simply be an explanation of your past American History exposure. Please review the Gordon Rule Guidelines, since these posts will satisfy that requirement of this GEP course.

You may also wish to review this week's readings:

Brief Guide to Writing About History

Translation and Creative Writing: An Interview with Professor Margaret Rogers


Upload either a text entry or a file (such as a Word document) by Sunday, 01/13 at 11:59pm. Be sure to include your name at the top and a word count at the bottom. Cite any sources (if applicable).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing Module Reflection
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Writing Module Reflection
History matters for varied reasons. It is a repository of the astonishing resourcefulness and creativity of people. History serves as a record of the diverse ways individuals create to unravel basic human dilemmas. History shows how malleable individuals are, how powerful ideas are in shaping our society. By studying history, the world we navigate becomes richer, deeper, and more interesting. If one does not know about, say, plants, then they are just driving through a world of green vegetation. However, by gaining knowledge about plants, the green vegetation becomes more fascinating and varied – it becomes legible in a different way.
Likewise, because of history, when I drive along the freeway; I understand why there is a freeway; I understand the technological, social, economic, and political forces that led to the freeway being there. History also provides insight into our cultures of origin as well as cultures with which we may be less familiar; thus, increasing our understanding and cross-cultural awareness. History makes the most mundane occurrences richer, deeper, and more interesting.
Regarding historical writing, I have learned that there are basics that must be followed. First, a historical paper must have a workable argument, alternatively known as a thesis statement. Second, all historical writing relies heavily on sources, which essentially come in two varieties: secondary sources which include materials produced after the time frame under study, and, primary sources which are materials produced during the period of the study...
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