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Meaning of Thomas Paine's Quote "The Cause of America is in Great Measure the Cause of All Mankind"

Essay Instructions:

In his 1776 essay Common Sense Thomas Paine argued that "the cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind" (Voices, 98). He even argued that the new nation would become "an asylum for mankind" (Voices, 102). In your essay, explain why Paine makes this case. Based on your reading of colonial society from your Foner textbook, do you agree with Paine's assertions? What aspects of the colonial cause do you think would support Paine's claim? What aspects would not?

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An American History
An American History:
Thomas Paine published the famous pamphlet known as Common Sense in Philadelphia in 1776 January (Foner, 2011). It is worth noting that as at the time the pamphlet was being published, there was bloody encounter between the indigenous and the British soldiers for independence. According to Foner (2011), the pamphlet managed to achieve what the bloody war that was witnessed at Lexington, Concord, and also Bunker Hill could not. In the pamphlet, there were several wise quotes that the Thomas Paine used to a good number of Americans to break ties with Britain. One of his wise sayings was “the cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind.”
Meaning of “the cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind”
I would begin by first admitting that Thomas Paine makes a lot of sense in his numerous quotes. To begin with “the cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind,” in nutshell Thomas Paine simply meant that the mission of America is to get freedom and equality, is for the most occasions, is exactly what all human beings are aiming to achieve. Basically, Mr. Paine was trying to pass the message to Americans, by motivating them to develop a sense of hatred and urgently abandon the Great Britain’s policy of salutary neglect that they were subjected to by the British aristocracy.
Through the wise quote, he was in nutshell urging Americans to come together and fight for their independence. According to Foner (2011), Thomas wanted Americans to avoid the idea of thinking themselves as different colonies within the British rule and monarchy. He rather urge...
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