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Booker T. Washington. Views and Desires of Washington

Essay Instructions:

1. Write a minimum of 7 full pages (5 pages for Part One and 2 Pages for Part Two). (Maximum limit is 9 pages).

2. Double-space it. 10 or 12 font size.

3. Use one inch margin space on all four sides.

4. You must upload your paper on to Canvas. It should be a pdf or WORD file. Title of file: “Paper”. No Google or Apple file. No Zip Folders. You must upload your file as a pdf or WORD file. NO Google or Apple formats are allowed. You should be able to easily convert Google or Apple file to a pdf format.


7. Organize your paper in your own style.

8. Use a spell-checker to check spellings. Points will be deducted for spelling errors.

9. I will grade your paper on your understanding of the book, demonstration of your reading through the use of multiple details and examples from the book, and your discussion.

10. Do not hesitate to consult me while you are writing the paper.

11. Remember that this is a history paper. Hence place it in a historical context.

12. I will NOT accept late submission of paper.

13. Do not email me the paper, submit it in CDs, or post it on your web site.


(100 Points) Your paper should have two parts. You should have both parts in one paper.

Part One: (5 pages minimum)

You should write your paper in an essay style. In reading his autobiography, how would you justify the legacy of Booker T. Washington as a leader of blacks in the years following the Civil War until his death? You should include Booker's experiences as a slave child, his views on white slave masters and mistresses and his views on whites soon after the Civil War when slavery was abolished. You should discuss his desires and ambitions as a young man and how he achieved them. You should include his work to improve race relations between whites and blacks. In that context in addition to discussing his work and ideas in Tuskegee, you should discuss his significant speeches chief among them being the Atlanta Speech. You should write also about his views on what he considered to be the best ways for blacks to improve their lives in the years following the Civil War.

Part Two: (2 pages minimum)

Are Booker T. Washington’s ideas about education relevant for today? Discuss this in relationship to the article; “Beyond One-Size-Fits-All College Dreams”. You can read the article in the site I have provided below.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Booker T. Washington
The current standings of Booker T. Washington's among the scholars are not strong. Some scholars have referred to his programs as having economically anachronistic, and politically they are regressive. His popular book "Up from slavery" has been criticized for being a promotional mask while it ought to have been an honest autobiography. They also ridiculed Washington for his paternalistic to blacks and subservient to whites. However, looking at his autobiography "up from slavery" given slavery basing all evidence, he is among the last of the slave narrative narrators, then Booker T. Washington becomes one of the appealing figures in this area. It is observed that not only did Washington have personal experience within the racial disorders but also it also affected his family and raised the racial insecurity within him increasing his determination to fight the vice. Hence creating a basic drive which is clearly shown in "up from slavery" and also shown by his desire to become an unencumbered figure or father to as many people as possible who were facing the same issues as he was and help in as many ways as possible. This paper is going to analyze Washington's life based on his autobiography.
Booker T. Washington
Washington was born a slave in 1856 in Virginia farm. When the civil war ended, Washington was only nine years old. He had a humble but stern upbringing, which required him to work and serve at a salt furnace. He was a houseboy for a white family, and this is where he states that he gained the traits of cleanliness, personal morality, and frugality. He developed a great desire for learning and reading. His education was taken up at the Hampton Institute, and the school model was upon which he later used to base while developing his institution in Tuskegee.
He observes he has no good collection of his parents, and he describes his father to be a white man who had no interest in his upbringing, but he did not blame him as he states he is another victim of the social institution. As a slave child, he had to endure bad living conditions where he shared a small cabin, which also acted as the plantation kitchen since his mother was the plantation cook. He could not access school and the furthest to school was to the classroom doors as he helped his mistress carry her books to schools. This went on until the war was over.
He worked as a janitor to carter for his tuition, and this made the Hamptons founder recognize the young enthusiast and was his favorite student. The school founder general Samuel Chapman Armstrong based his curriculum on moral character, discipline, and practical trade. On graduating, he enrolled as a tutor at a local elementally, school until in 1880 when Chapman invited him to go and teach in his former school. One year after his enrolment at the Hampton school, Washington was nominated to head a new institution at Tuskegee, and he was to train black farmers, skilled workers, and teachers.
Views and Desires of Washington
At the time, Washington was a symbol in matters of race. His philosophies and actions were well inclined and fitted in well with the society demand at the time because of the worsening race relations. At the age of Jim, Crow Washington could have easily become one of the key advocates because of his efforts. As a public leader, Washington advised his people to accommodate themselves in the realities of the white dominating race and this statement held strong impacts to his followers because of his success as a black community leader. He illustrated how doing so was self-rewarding through his major achievements. Washington observed that the fate of the blacks lied in his vision and it was developed to deliver them to equal civil and political rights. His method was, however, contradicting as he publicly agreed on racial segregation reality, but he fought for the black community to be included in the economic progress of the South.
Washington Desire and Improvement of Relations between the Two Races
Growing up in this era of reconstruction or imbued with many instances of morals instead of intellectual training, Washington was of the idea that postwar social uplift began at the wrong end. He believed in the acquisition of civil rights and political rights in place of economic self-determination and this one of the main reasons he has critics today. Washington philosophies garnered him wide support, especially in the Northern white philanthropists and his race the blacks. Although he was born a slave and poor, Washington can boast of having a good education. His calling as indicated in his autobiography was to help his fellow blacks improve their lives despite the existing discriminatory laws without using actual force or violence.
Washington believed that as an individual, he had personal responsibility and his spirit of enterprise was crucial in his desire. His long-term view was based on property, brains, and observed that an African American character should not settle the question of civil rights. To promote racial harmony, Washington insisted on teaching moral competence and behavior as the best method. He did not advocate for government salvation like the rest of the individuals to him the more goods that the blacks produced the whites needed that the more likely the whites were likely to abandon their behavior and character of racial profiling, stereotyping and ...
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