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Identifying Learning Disabilities

Essay Instructions:

Week 2 - Discussion: Identifying Learning Disabilities

Review Ch. 5 of Exceptional Lives. ( **I don't have the book so if u can find it online otherwise just google 3 different models to determine the presence of a learning disability)

Respond to the following prompt in the Identifying Learning Disabilities by Wednesday:

1)What are the three different models for determining the presence of a learning disability?

2)In your opinion, what are the pros and cons with each model?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 2 – Identifying Learning Disabilities Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name January 24, 2019 Introduction In most cases, determination of Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) are essential in order to ensure the learning of the children. This is because SLDs can present in different forms, with some manifests while others are latent. In the book written by Turnbull (1995), she noted that several factors could lead to the formation of such discrepancies for children. Mainly, these are neurological mechanisms, genetics, and environmental causes. Since the signs, symptoms, and specific causes vary widely, determination through different models are then crucial. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of some of these models would be discussed. Models for Determination of SLDs One of the oldest most commonly used method from the determination of SLD is the Discrepancy Model. In this model, several tests are used in order to see how a student would be able to cope with different tasks at hand. Namely, these tests include intelligence tests and achievement tests (Schultz, Simpson, & Lynch, 2006). As compared to other models of determination, the Discrepancy Model is already established and is relatively easy to employ, which makes it ideal for a quick assessment. However, its main disadvantage is that it c...
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