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Women in America and Their Role in the American Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Book Essays

History 1301

Andrew Dunsky

• Chose one of the three essay topics and respond to it

• 3-5 pages double spaced, Times New Roman font size 12. Any other font/size will result in loosing points.

• Quotes from the book should be cited in parenthetical style at the end of the sentence:

“FDR wasn't always the most beloved president in America” (Brinkley, p.17).

(Author, pg. #).

• Keep citations consistent throughout the entire paper

• Be conscious of the amount of direct citation that you use. No more than two sentences of direct quotation per citation. If you over cite the book you will be deducted points. There is also never a reason to imbed an entire block of direct citation into your essay. I want to hear your voice in the book essay

• Each book essay has to have a cover page with your name, the date and the question # that you responded to. Failure to provide a cover page or an essay number will result in points being deducted.

• There is no need for a header of any sorts on your first page of text. That is why you attached a cover sheet. Your first page of text should begin indented at the top of the page.

• Anything less than 3 full pages of text will result in significant points being deducted

• Since you are only citing one source, there is no need for a bibliography

• Please be sure to fully answer the questi

on for which you are responding to

• Please proof read your paper

• Submit your paper as a Microsoft word document to the appropriate drop box in D2L

• All papers are checked for plagiarism through turnitin.com, if you directly copy and paste material from the internet of any other outside sources you will receive a zero

Book Essay #1 Revolutionary Mothers Please choose 1 topic below and fully discuss. Make sure to carefully review the Book Essay Guidelines document before writing your paper

1.Using specific examples from the book, discuss the roles which women played in the American Revolution

2.Using specific examples from the book, analyze how the role of women in America changed during the American Revolution

3.Afer reading Revolutionary Mothers, discuss the ways in which this book changed your views on how the Revolutionary War was fought and won. Please use specific examples from the book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
Question Number
Role of Women in the American Revolution
The American revolutionary war was an event that had an impact on both men and women. It was a war that would determine the kind of lives that American citizens would lead, and its importance meant that every individual was involved in various capacities. It involved fighting for the country's independence, and the unity of both men and women in the war effort was important. While fighting was an activity that was mainly confined to men, women assisted in various capacities that were crucial to war. They helped men by playing multiple roles that were necessary to keep the men fighting on the frontlines.
For instance, women provided crucial supplies to the American troops who were fighting the British. According to Berkin, the supplies included but were not limited to clothing, metal, and saltpeter (51-52). Since Americans had vowed to boycott British goods during the war, textiles were scarce, and clothes were low. Women made homespun for the soldiers, which became a symbol of patriotism and resistance against British rule. Similarly, if men needed saltpeter, a key ingredient in gun powder, women made it in the homes and sent it to the soldiers.
Moreover, if the troops needed metal to make more bullets and canons, "women melted down their pewter tableware, clock weights, and window weights (52). They urged each other to make such contributions to increase the chances of winning the war. Such contributions helped men to focus on engaging the enemy and fighting for freedom.
Additionally, women also engaged in fundraising activities. The troops required funds to purchase various supplies that could not be manufactured. Unfortunately, most men who were fighting needed money to perform various activities including purchasing food among others. However, funds were scarce, which meant that the troops had to fight without the needed supplies. Wealthy women such as Esther DeBerdt Reed and Sarah Franklin Bache organized fundraisers and asked women to contribute to assist the troops (Berkin 54). They formed the Ladies Association plan, which raised funds for the troops to show them their appreciation. The fundraising activity not only helped the troops but it is also enabled ordinary citizens to become united. In this regard, those who had demonstrated loyalty ...
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