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Art History: Impressionism

Essay Instructions:

Please write 2-3 double-spaced pages, comparing three works of your selections that we have studied for the class on Impressionism (on the videos or in the assigned pages in the textbook). Please organize these essays (introduction, body paragraphs that address different issues, and a conclusion).

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Art History-Impressionism
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Art History-Impressionism
Impressionism was an art movement that began in the 19th century characterized by thin, small but visible brush strokes, emphasizing light color representation. The depiction of light often accentuated the effects of time-lapse. The inclusion of movement revealed human perception and experience by the use of unique visual angles. This essay will explore three works of impressionism. These works are "Olympia" by Edouard Manet, "Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette" by Pierre Auguste Renoir, and the "Luncheon on the Grass" by Edouard Manet. The impressionism style captured an original and fresh vision of the artworks.
The work “Olympia" is a work done by the artist Edouard Manet. This work was done on oil on canvas in 1863. The works depict a nude woman lying in bed and another older servant woman staring at her (Axford, 2019). The nude woman has a black neck chain, and she depicts her rebellion against the color black. It's a personal style and the. The older woman seems to bring impressionistic flowers. The piece shows prominence in color as she is well lit, while the background is in a dull color. The woman's shoes blend with the beddings. The nude woman is the focal point of the image, and she shows no facial expression. This piece by Manet is a personal and period style. The artist created a plain sensation as per the interpretation of the eyes of the subject rather. The painting also depicts beauty in a normal setting.
“Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette” is a piece by Pierre Auguste Renoir done in 1876 (J Qui, 2020). It is a popular oil on canvas piece of the impressionism period. It depicts how the working-class partisans would dress up, spend time eating galettes, dancing, and drinkin...
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