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Spanish And The Aztecs. The Nations of Western Europe History Essay

Essay Instructions:

i will include pictures of essay rubric and instructions. Being submitted to turnitin which has plagiarism checks. 3 pages plus endnotes and biblography.


1. Use standard-sized paper (8 x 11).
2. Type on only one side of the paper.
3. Double space all essays.
4. Number the pages, starting at page 2.
5. Staple the pages together.
6. Keep a photocopy of your essay.
1. Centre the title in the middle of your page.
2. Put your name, course number, section number, teacher’s name and the date on your title page.
1. In general, reference material that you have taken from a source other than your own experience.
2. Specifically, you must reference direct quotes, facts, and ideas.
3. When in doubt, it is best to reference.
1. Long Quotations.
With more than 3 lines of prose, the quotation should be set off from the body of your essay. Introduce your quotation. Single space the quotation, and indent it from the body of the essay. Do not put quotation marks around the quotation, unless they appear in the passage’;
2. Short Quotations.
Prose quotations shorter than'3 lines hri usually included within the body of your essay, in quotation marks. Quotations within-a quotation are indicated by single marks.
1. General format
a. Endnotes are numbered consecutively throughout the essay. Endnote numbers appear after the quotation or reference, raised slightly above the line.
b. Your word processor will collect your endnotes automatically on a separate sheet at the end of your essay.
c. In endnotes, bibliography, and essay, underline or italicize the following:
Titles of books, plays, long poems, periodicals, newspapers, radio, and television
programs, films, ballets, operas, titles of songs and pieces of music, names of ships and aircraft, and works of classical literature.

Put “quotation marks” around the following:
Titles of short poems, stories, articles, essays, chapters of books, individual episodes or radio and television programs, lectures and speeches, and unpublished works (such as theses/dissertations).
2, First and Subsequent References
a. The first time you quote, paraphrase, or summarize information from any source» put a endnote number after the material and give complete bibliographical information as illustrated:
Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957). P.52.
b. After the first complete citation of a work, add a sentence such as “All other references to this source will be from this edition.”
c. After the first complete citation to works give only the following information:
Frye, Anatomy, p.75.
d. Refer to the Bible by book, chapter and verse (Luke 5:3)


1. Books
(Author’s name in normal order, Title, (place of publication: publisher, year), p. or pp.)
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, (New York: Viking Press, 1939), p.34.
2. Books with author and editor
David Kaula, “Will and Reason”, in Troilus and Cressida: A Case Book, ed. Priscilla Martin (London: Macmillan, 1976), p. 126.
3. Internet (Websites)
(Use the date the information was obtained and includc the entire address.)
“Tips to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle." Environmental Recycling Hotline, December 11,
2005, www.primenetcom/dgi-bin/erh.pl.
4. CD-ROM Encyclopedia Article with One Author
Jerry Y.C. Huang, “Solid Waste Disposal,” Microsoft Encarta ’95. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA:
Microsoft, 1994.
5. Scholarly journal
Steve Brittan, “Understanding analogy questions”, Today’s Catholic Teacher, 23 (1990), p.21. /
6. Newspaper or mass circulation periodical
Stephen Williams, “Monsieur Hockey”, Weekend Magazine, Oct. 14,1998, pp. 12-17.
7. Encyclopedia
(If the article is signed, the author’s name comes first; if not, the title of the article comes first.)
Edward Athlam, “Navy and Navies”, Encyclopedia Britannica. XVI (1999), pp.175-177.
8. Collection or anthology with an editor
William Shakespeare, The Complete Works, ed. Alfred Harbage (Baltimore: Penguin, 1969), p.735.
9. Films
An endnote for a film must include die title (underlined), the distributor and the date. You may also include the names of the principal actors, director, producer, print size and date.
On a separate sheet headed “Bibliography”, list bibliographical entries in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. If the work has more than one author, give the authors’ name in the order in which they appear in your source. If no author is given, alphabetize the entry by the first word of its title (ignoring the articles a, an, the).
Sample Bibliographical Entries
1. Books
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Viking Press, 1939.
2. Books With Author and Editor
Kaula, David. “Will and Reason”. Troilus and Cressida: A Case Book, ed. Priscilla Martin, London: Macmillan, 1976.
3. Internet (Websites)
(Use die date the information was obtained and include the entire address.)
“Tips to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle,” Environmental Recycling Hotline, December 11,
2005, www.primenetcom/dgi-bin/erh.pl.
4. CD-ROM Encyclopedia Article with One Author
Jerry Y.C. Huang, “Solid Waste Disposal,” Microsoft Encarta ’95. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA:
Microsoft, 1994,
5. Articles
Bryden, Ronald. “Smith Triumphs at SUatl'ord". Maclean’s, July 1999, pp. 82-85.
6. Encyclopedia Article with Author
Edward Athlam, “Navy and Navies”. Encyclopedia Britannica, XVI (1999), pp. 175-177.
7. Government Publication
(For a government publication, give the name of the country, province, state, city, etc. Also name the department, ministry, bureau, etc, from which it comes.)
Canada, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources. The National Atlas of Canada. Toronto:
Macmillan, 1994.
8. Interview
Barbaro, Ron D. Metro Toronto Zoo, Toronto, Ontario. Interview. 24 January 1997.
9. Television Programs
The Fifth Estate. C.B.C. 13 January 2002.
10. Films
Fosse, Bob dir. Cabaret. Widi Liza Minnelli and Michael York. Allied Artists, 1972.


Learning Goal: You will use methods of historical inquiry to locate, gather, evaluate, and organize research materials so that you can assess various types of interactions that have occurred between Europeans and non-Europeans. You will then communicate the results using a formal argumentative essay.
In this essay you will use the knowledge you have gained in Unit 1 to examine the exchanges between two groups (one European and one non-European) at the time of initial contact.
You will be required to make an argument based on the following statement.
“Although it has often been stated that the nations of Western Europe were far superior to the rest of the world at the time of their initial contacts, this, in fact, is not true. ”
Content: In your essay you will have to argue that this statement is true or false. Use the period of approximately 1492 - 1650 as the time frame for your argument. Pick two groups to compare, one European and one non-European, which came into contact with eacii other in this time period (Examples could include: Portugal and South Eastern Africa, Spain and the Aztecs, French and the Huron, the English and the Beothuk). Compare them based on *5 criteria that you would use to judge a “superior” society (Examples: technology, government, human rights, social organization, political organization, religion and philosophy, efc).Remain source for this essay should be your textbook but you are expected to use at least one other good source.
Format: Your essay should include an introductory parapragh, 3 body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.
The introduction should include the following:
- an introductory sentence that introduces the overall topic. *
sentences that outline the 3 areas you have chosen to use for your comparisons and should be put in the order that you will be using in your essay.
- the thesis of your essay (this should be the final sentence in your introduction) The body paragraphs in your essay should include the following:
topic sentence
supporting points (facts and explanation outlining the argument) concluding sentence that ties this argument back into the thesis The conclusion should include the following;
re-stated thesis (first sentence in the conclusion) brief summary of 3 arguments
- concluding sentence that is a general thought on the topic and/or a thought provoking statement.
Remember to use proper spelling and grammar throughout your essay. Proper endnoting and bibliography should be used (see the Endnoting and Bibliography handout.)Evaluation: See the attached rubric.


CHY4U - Short Essay Rubric -
Name: {jç A<_Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 MarkKnowledge/Understanding - Essay - Essay - Essay - Essay - Knowledge/understanding demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates of facts, terms, concepts, limited some considerable thorough principles and theories knowledge/ knowledge/ knowledge/ knowledge/ understanding understanding understanding understanding of facts and of facts and of facts and of facts and concepts concepts concepts concepts /10Thinking/Inquiry -Organization -Organization -Organization -Organization - Organization of Essay of essay has of essay has of essay has of essay has not been done been done in been done in been done in in an effective a somewhat an effective a highly manner effective manner effective manner manner /5 - A weak -A - A sound - A strong - Making Arguments attempt was satisfactory attempt was attempt was made to make attempt was made to make made to make arguments to made to make arguments to arguments to support the arguments to support the support the thesis support the thesis thesis /10 thesis - Uses - Uses - Uses - Uses - Use of Planning Skills to planning with planning with planning with planning in a prepare the assignment on limited some considerable highly effect- time effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness ive manner /5Communication - Format of Essay (Title - Many errors - Some errors - Few errors - No errors in Page, Endnoting, in Format in Format (3 in Format (1 Format /5Bibliography, Page (More than 4) or 4)>w or 2) Numbering, Double Spacing, Neatness) - Conventions (Number of mistakes) 2.5 3/3.5 ~4_ 5 /5Application - Use of Essay Structure - Many errors - Some errors - Few errors - No errors in (Paragraphing, Introduction, in Structure in Structure(3 in Structure Structure Conclusion) (More than 4) or 4) (I or 2) /5Total /45
Descriptive Feedback: Strength:Areas for Improvement:

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‘Although it has often been stated that the nations of Western Europe were far superior to the rest of the world at the time of their initial contacts, this is not true.”
Contrary to this statement, the nations of Western Europe were far much superior to the rest of the world at the time of the first contact. This statement is true, and it is backed by the Europeans conquest of the world and how it shaped the modern political organization of countries. Western Europe nearly colonized the whole world by making the natives subservient to their rule. Europeans first contact with native people of other civilizations was relatively easier given that they had superior firepower and better experiences with war. Historically, Europe has always been embroiled in war, and they had advanced warring technology and experience than many other civilizations they encountered. Their conquests were not entirely easy, and in some cases, the Europeans lost some battles, but eventually, the natives were subdued. This can be attested to the Spanish conquest with the Aztecs in Mexico.
The Aztecs had inhabited mainland Mexico as the natives before the European forces set foot in their coasts. In the neighboring Caribbean Islands, the Spanish had established a dominant rule and acted as offshore territories of Spain. Notably, Cuba was occupied by Spanish under the leadership of Velázquez who sent out a team of conquistadors under Hernan Cortés to expedite in the West. At the time of departure from Cuba, Cortés has strained his relationship with Velázquez, and that possibly prompted him to conquer rather than ‘to explore, trade, and search for Christian captives.’ Cortés quickly formed strategic alliances with other native tribes in Mexico with the help of Malinche and Gerenimo de Aguillar as his translators. Malinche was a native woman who she had ‘won’ after a battle with the Maya people. Cortés went on to capture the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán. Cortés briefly left Tenochtitlán to fight Panfilo de Narvez who had sent by Velázquez to kill or capture him. The Aztec people united and forced the Spanish from their capital Tenochtitlán. The Aztec with their relatively inferior experience in war managed to drive out the Spanish from the city and install Montezuma ’s brother as the king after Montezuma was killed. When Cortés returned to the city, he put it under siege until it surrendered three months later. Cortés went on to rule the empire after building his capital on the ruins of Tenoch...
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