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Metropoitan Museum Alternative Assignment History Essay

Essay Instructions:



ADDRESS:  5th Ave at 82nd St., New York City.

HOURS: Open 7 days a week.  Sunday–Thursday: 10:00 AM.–5:30 PM.  Friday and Saturday: 10:00 AM.–9:00 PM.  Galleries are cleared fifteen minutes before closing.

ADMISSION: **Note that the admission fees for NYC college students are still PAY WHAT YOU WISH, meaning that you need to bring your PACE ID card so you may pay whatever you like- $1 or even 25 cents when you visit on your own.  Do not purchase advance tickets because you will be charged the higher "non-resident" fees. 




Visit the following sections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on your own:  European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, European Paintings (Pre-19th century collection on the 2nd floor), and the Dutch Masters exhibition on the lower level of the Lehman Pavilion. 


Next, choose just ONE set, either sculpture or painting.  Do not break up the pairs:


1)  Bartolomeo Bellano (Italian, Padua 1437/38–1496/97 Padua), David with the Head of Goliath, 1470-80,  Early Italian Renaissance, bronze (now gilded).  Accession # 64.304.1 
Location- gallery # 536: Italian Renaissance Bronze Sculpture, European Sculpture & Decorative Arts on the 1st floor



Antonio Canova (Italian, 1757–1822), Perseus with the Head of Medusa, 1804-1806, Neoclassicism, marble.  Accession # 67.110.1

Location-  gallery # 548:  the “Petrie Court”, European Sculpture, 1700–1900, European Sculpture & Decorative Arts on the 1st floor



2)  Rembrandt (Rembrandt van Rijn) (Dutch, Leiden 1606–1669 Amsterdam), Self-Portrait, 1660, Dutch Baroque, oil on canvas.  Accession # 14.40.618

Location-  gallery #  964: In Praise of Painting: Dutch Masterpieces at The Met




Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (French, Paris 1749–1803 Paris), Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, Marie Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818) and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond (died 1788), 1785, Age of the Enlightenment/ Neoclassicism, oil on canvas, Accession # 53.225.5

Location-  gallery #  631:  Toward the French Revolution and Jacques Louis David


            Make sure that you are writing about the correct works of art.  You can do this by comparing the accession numbers listed above to the ones printed on the museum labels next to the paintings.  You must go to the museum and study the paintings in person. 


            When you purchase your museum admission ticket, save the ticket and staple it to the front of your paper.   You must also take a "selfie" or photograph of yourself in front of one of the works listed for the assignment.  Papers without dated tickets and photographs will not be accepted.


            At the museum, analyze the works in regard to their content, paying particular attention to the key concept of style.  The “Guide for Analyzing Painting” and “Guide for Analyzing Sculpture”  (posted on Blackboard) can help you determine what it is that you should be looking for when examining each of the works.  Sylvan Barnet’s Short Guide to Writing About Art can help with the mechanics of constructing a comparative essay.   

            For this writing assignment, follow the guidelines for the term paper in regard to using Chicago Style for footnotes and bibliography.  You must use your own words, cite your sources in footnotes, and include a bibliography.  This make-up assignment is not intended to be a research paper (it is what is called a "Formal Analysis"), but you are welcome to carry out research on the works of art if you wish.  Your essay should be 3 to 5 pages long not counting the cover page.  Papers less than 3 full pages will not be accepted.


Papers may not be sent via email.  You must submit a hard copy of your paper AND you must submit your paper electronically to Turnitin.com by the due date. This site checks papers for plagiarism. Turnitin.com monitors time of submission and will not accept later papers. You must submit your paper to Turnitin.com by 9:00 AM on the day your paper is due, April 2.  Late papers will not be accepted.   To submit your paper electronically: 

  • Go to: WWW(dot)TURNITIN(dot)COM

  • Click on "create a user profile" in the upper right corner, select "student" from the menu

  • Enter your turnitin class ID #  20361712

  • Enter your turnitin class enrollment password: AH103

  • Follow remaining instructions


If you cannot hand in your hard copy in class, you may submit it to my mailbox in the Art Department located at 41 Park Row, 12th Floor.  Do not slide your paper under a locked door.  Before placing your paper in my mailbox, please have someone in the Art Department office sign and date the paper (or, if there is no one on the 12th floor, please ask a security guard to sign and date the paper).  After obtaining a signature and date on your paper, you may wish to make a photocopy of it for your own records.  You will STILL need to submit the paper electronically through Turnitin.com.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Metropolitan Art Museum
The metropolitan museum of art has a rich and comprehensive history of European sculpture and decorative arts. The sculptures located in the museum clearly reflect on the growth and development of various art forms in western European countries. The European art developments in the museum are dated between the beginnings of the 15th century to the 20th century. The structure consists of different sculptures in various shapes and sizes, furniture and woodwork, glass and ceramics, jewelry and metalwork, mathematical instruments and horological and textiles and tapestries (Williams, 2018). During the renaissance error, the Italian artists went through a cultural rebirth in the 15th century. They focused their artistic sculptures on human nature and applied drapery to showcase the human physical presence.
Zanker (2016) alludes that the majority of the devotional images were very attracting through facial expressions and natural looking gestures. Alternatively, emotional expression was a unique preoccupation of innovative artists as depicted by the works cited in the metropolitan museum. Most of the sculptures were either modeled or curved. In carving, the unique form is achieved by removing unwanted materials from wood or stone using a sharp tool. The modeling involved the use of clay to construct a certain desired feature. After the carving or modeling, gilding and color could be applied appropriately to bring out the beauty in the sculpture. A most common form of gilding in this error was the bronze that was applied in the casting of utilitarian objects and artilleries such as the mortars. Therefore, bronze became a very important component of early Italian sculpture and decoration works to furnish patinating statuettes. According to the information in the metropolitan museum, monumental bronze works were done by éclat in Florence and translated by Benvenuto Cellini, an influential monument translator into statuettes (Greenberg, 2017).
Among the most popular bronze sculptures that I observed in the metropolitan museum is the famous of David and with the head of Goliath. The sculpture represents a critical work in the Renaissance period with the emergence and development of bronze statuettes in Italian culture. This sculpture was designed and created by one Bartolomeo Bellano. Who were an Italian rebirth architect and sculptor born between 1437 and 1438 in Padua. He was a student of Donatello’s as confirmed by Judith Slaying Holofernes master’s documentation on payment connection. He independently began his sculptor work with Pope Paul II in Perugia’s bronze statue ...
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