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World Civilization Exam. Liberalism. History Essay

Essay Instructions:


What were the tenets of liberalism? Who were the liberals and how did liberalism affect the political developments of different European societies during the early 19th century? What relationship does liberalism have to nationalism?


Exam II Week

Read  below  the instruction and study guide


Exam II Instructions and Study Guide


Essay Questions


You will be given a choice of essay questions from the following list. The essay will be written in class, and should be not less than three pages. 


1.Define Nationalism. What were the goals of nationalists? What were the difficulties they confronted in realizing those goals? Support your interpretation with evidences from different European countries’ experiences. 


2.What were the tenets of liberalism? Who were the liberals and how did liberalism affect the political developments of different European societies during the early 19th century? What relationship does liberalism have to nationalism?


3.Analyze the proletarianization process in the European industrialized society, the new ideology of Marxism, how do Marx and Engels describe the industrialized society and what is their vision for the future of this society.


4.Italy and Germany were unified under the close supervision of individual statesmen.  What were the general strategies of Cavour and Bismarck in the unification process? Which country had more potential for European leadership after unification and why?


5. Why did industrialization not develop in Latin America as it did in Europe and in the United States? Why was foreign capital not used to build an industrial base in any of the countries?


6. Analyze new political and ideological movements developed during 19th century in Europe, and explain their objectives and platforms by supporting with evidences from different societies.


7.Analyze the reforms of military, economic, ideological and political consolidation instituted by Mao Tse-tung in China and the relation between China and Soviet Union.

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According to Tomasi 2017, liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasises an individual's autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights. The liberals believe that the government has the obligations of protecting the people and dangerous situations. Conversely, they also think that the government can also pose threats to the life of the people. Liberals have philosophies that they believe in ensuring that the people and resource are protected. This paper describes the tents of liberalism and the liberals and how they shaped the political organisations of European societies in the 19th century as well as the relationship that exists between the radicalism and the nationalism.
Tenets of liberalism
The first tenet of liberalism is individualism. This tent requires that the people have the freedom to decide on their own. The freedom to make a decision should lie with some parameter such that one should not affect the life of another person (Laski, 2108). Therefore, the government should not have any interference with people as they make their personal decision.
The second tenet of liberalism is freedom. The people in society should have freedom in all the dimensions of life. The privilege should exist in politics; hence people decide on the political affiliations to take, and no one should avoid anyone in joining a political affiliation as well as support. Additionally, one should also have economic freedom. The people should have the opportunity to acquire wealth through work and investment with no interference of the government and private individuals (Laski, 2018). Freedom should also exist in the social life of the individual. The people must have the freedom to interact freely in their environment without any harm.
The third principle of liberalism is the reason where people must reason as a human. Therefore, the reasoning should not create harm to others as well as personal damage. The fourth tent requires that people have the right to own properties. The fifth indicates that people have the freedom to make contracts with the government and people with their consent (Laski, 2018). The next tenet of liberalism requires that the people have the freedom to split between the private and public resources. The doctrine also involves the effect of reasoning as well as the freedom to advance and progress in society. The principle of liberalism that the people are equa...
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