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Immigration Experiences and the Responses to Immigrants

Essay Instructions:

Using the primary and secondary sources in the module on “migration and its enemies,” reconstruct the immigrant experience and the response to immigrants. In particular, answer the following questions: how did migrants experience their move to and life in a new world, what did they find problematic about their situation, and what could they do about it? What were the “official” reasons cited by immigration opponents in support of regulating immigration? Do you think that these are the “real” reasons or may there be unstated motivations as well? In order to support your argument, paraphrase or quote specific information from the reading materials.


*There is no particular word limit, but 1,500 words is a good guideline.

*The essay must include a “works cited” that mentions the reading assignments from class (the relevant references are in the pdf files) and any other source that is being used to complete the assignment.

*No need for a separate title page or a separate works cited page (just put the works cited on the last page at the end of the text).

*Please double-space the text and number the pages.

*Acceptable file types: DOCX, PPTX, PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT [please note that .ZIP and .PAGES will NOT work!]

Tips and hints

*The essay should use material from the historical sources we have read, either through paraphrasing or quoting. If you use quotes, integrate them into the narrative both grammatically and logically. It is important to comment on quotes to identify the argument itself along with its significance, its motivation, its perspective, its relationship to concrete situations or examples etc.

*This essay is argumentative: it does not just summarize the relevant texts but uses them to support an assertion. Ideally, the main thrust of the argument is condensed in a thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph that provides your answer to the question(s) of the prompt. The entire essay should follow a coherent, logical structure and use formal language (you may use the first person, however).

*Any argument makes claims and supports these with evidence (in the case of a historical argument, the evidence comes from the primary sources). It is a good idea to be aware of all the claims you make (underlining them in a draft may be a useful exercise) and to verify that all of them are, in fact, supported.

*Make sure to treat the sources within their historical context. That is to say, take into account who wrote them and why they were written and do not treat any of the claims that are made literally (i. e. as fact).

*You may use outside sources to complete this assignment, but note that it is not a research paper. There is enough information in the sources we have read and using additional information may actually obscure (and hence weaken) your argument.

*Writing and reading an argument are inverse processes. Most writers will naturally start with the evidence and then draw conclusions. However, readers would rather hear the claim first and then see how it is supported. This makes editing your writing very important: ideally, try to "pull" your conclusions up in each paragraph. This can be done with "topic sentences" that anticipate the main claim of a paragraph or section.

*Another point of editing is to make the argument consistent: for example, you will likely start the writing process with the introduction and the thesis statement. However, since the body paragraphs are still missing at this point the thesis statement will, necessarily, be tentative. During the editing process, make sure that the thesis still matches the ensuing argument (or change it accordingly).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Immigration Experiences and the Responses to Immigrants Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Immigration involves the relocation of people to other places due to different reasons such as education, job, adventure, visit, or any other reason. Immigration is associated with different experiences which may interrupt the normal life structure of a relocating person or family. The most affected individuals who migrate either due to job relocation or for educational purposes as they are forced to change their lifestyle, culture, or practices (Tyrrell, 2015). Some immigration experiences may be horrific depending on how they are treated in the host country or region. Cultural and ethnic differences are considered among the major challenge experienced by most of the immigrants across the world. The immigrants are known to have diverse experiences as they move to new places with a lot of challenges which are expected to solve mainly as stated by the immigration opponents as discussed herein. The rate of global immigrants is impressive with roughly 10 per cent of the total world population (150 million) migrating from their countries for various reasons (Tyrrell, 2015). Globalization and the green revolution are considered among the factors that are contributing to the increased rate of immigration. The green revolution is reducing the labor force required in the rural areas thus forcing many people to immigrate to the cities and urban areas. Urban areas have high opportunities for employment in the manufacturing, commercial, government and the service industries thus attracting a high population. Cities also have a record in improved infrastructure, housing, and health care as well as other essential services which are not available in rural areas. For these reasons among others, the rate of rural-urban immigration has increased with the population in cities and urban areas rising every year. Over the years, different factors have influenced the rate of immigration, especially to urban areas. The experienced variation of the general trend of urbanization is mainly experienced due to the factors that hinder the immigration rate across the world. For example, the economic depression period greatly depressed urban developed which discouraged a lot of people from urban migration (Tyrrell, 2015). During this period, industrialized countries experienced a decreased rate of economic growth. The immunity of growth of most of the cities in Western Europe, the Soviet Union, and East Asia was damaged by the impacts of World War II. However, other areas like Latin America which escaped civil conflict experienced rapid economic growth and urbanization. Due to the varying economic, political, and social factors, different governments have established different structures to control and regulate immigration rates. For example, the United State has restricted immigration, which has limited people from certain countries like Mexico from entering the country. Most of the countries have enhanced technological growth in rural areas to minimize the increasing rate of rural-urban migration. The Chinese government loosened resident restrictions which have kept most of the population in the countryside, allowing more people to migrate into urban areas. This means that by 2015, over 56 per cent of the Chinese population was living in the cities, recording a drastic revolution from the previous 26 per cent of urban population back in 1950. Most of the cities are characterized by an increased population of young people while rural areas are dominated by the aged population. There are many challenges associated with the massive immigration of people, especially in urban areas. For instance, immigration has resulted in population imbalance which stresses the government in sharing of national resources. For this reason, a country may experience imbalanced economic growth as a result of increased immigration rate. This situation affects the immigrants greatly in that most of them experience economic challenges with more challenges experienced in urban areas. People in cities and urban areas strive to survive with fewer salaries and high cost of living. Services in urban areas are available but expensi...
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