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The conquest, colonization and slavery in early American history

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The conquest, colonization and slavery in early American history
United State of America which is known to be a superpower nation among the other nations in the world, after gaining its independent in July 4, 1776 and started implementing the new constitution, they also underwent through the same treatment of suffering in the hands of the colonizers which were the Europeans, Spanish, British and French people some years ago (Davis, 2000). These colonizers did so because they knew they were going to benefit materially, spread their religion freely and expand their territories for their benefit. The culture, economy and religion of the American citizens were influenced or had a lot of impact due to the above motives of the colonizers. European conquest, exploration and colonization took center stage in America in 1492 after Christopher Columbus headed the Spanish expedition who had sponsored him so that they could find a new route to India and China (Davis, 2000), here, he introduced the New World. Then afterwards, they sailed through the Caribbean coast on the islands of Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba which then led them to the deeper side of the North America (Tognetti, 2005). John Cobot sponsored by England after discovering New founded land decided to land in South America. During that period, the Eastern South America discovered by Pedro Alvares Cabral was busy being occupied by the Portugal colonists.
As the Europeans continued to put their focus in the colonization of the American citizens, the England and French decided to pitch camp in the Americas in the 16th century of which there plans never went through even though, later, the two nations, England and French and joining them, the Dutch republic also known as New Netherland managed to gain their settlement in 1614 between New Amsterdam (New York City) and Fort Orange (Albany, New York) in America where they established a line of agricultural settlements. With this settlement of the Dutch, they established a relationship with the Iroquois whom their main mandate was to supply the Dutch with firearms, blankets, metal tools and any other thing that the European traded in for the exchange of furs. With both parties benefiting from each other, the Iroquois took advantage of the benefits of the fur they were getting to completely destroy the Huron in order to push the Algonquins into Illinois and Michigan in which they succeeded and took control of the Native American. As the Iroquois gained from fur, the Dutch continued to grow slowly becoming more urban in agriculture as their source of income. This continued to encourage more different religions in America. By 1640s, the people who had migrated to New Amsterdam were known to speak 18 different languages.The French colonies who were benefiting from cod and fish of the Grand banks as the major export and source of income, decided to focus their trade else were other than colonization only. So they concentrated on trading to the Amerindians. So as to achieve there objective, they came up with the idea of agriculture through farming like tobacco which encouraged a high number of slaves. With this trend of trading, the colonizers target to colonize United States of America was meant to gain economically after getting the inspiration from the Spanish riches from colonies which were found upon the conquest of the Aztecs of Mexico, Incas of Peru States and other bigger population of the Native American. This was after the discovery of gold and precious metals. With this, they knew that they were going to gain wealth, a path to richness. The main group that targeted this was the Europeans after discovering certain native population lacking gunpowder and technology to make weapons from iron (Brewer, et al. 2001). With this, they made their way with developed military, naval, governmental and entrepreneurial skills so that they could benefit from the American soil. Spanish and Portuguese were not left behind either because they also had experience of oceanic ship navigation which they could put into place. While others were busy focusing on the economy, others went there for religion reasons. Most of them went to search for the rights to practice their religion without persecution which involved being fined, banished, and whipped and even being imprisoned or expelled.
This people were avoiding the idea of establishing a church-like the Church of England and so they decided to form the first 13 colonies who shared some similarities so that they could go and evade the American soil where there was too much freedom (Tognetti, 2005). By achieving there mission, they decided to attract some settlers from the other colonies especially targeting those from the Old World. Back to their mind, they knew it could be much easier to own land by using this means. So they decided to target religions. With these movements of the colonies, competition became high tougher and this led to the increase of tension in the territories because they feared being attacked from the neighboring colonies and also from the indigenous tribes and pirates (Brewer, et al. 2001). So they had to prevent and strengthen their territories from any interference. With the competition in place, slavery in America became rampant and abusive making many thousands of indigenous lives to undergo through forced labor in mines. This came at a time when some of the indentured servants especially the English colonizers were busy looking for better life in America after its population doubling from 1530 to 1680. These indentured servants came from congested nations which were congested by livestock (sheep, cows, goats, pigs, and horses), enclosure of land or overcrowding (Davis, 2000). For this reason, they had to look for oversees colonies. To their lack, the American colonies were busy looking for laborers to work for them and they even offered themselves to pay for their passage. This allowed them to enslave a number of the natives (Bailyn, 2005). With this enslavement, the suffering of the American citizens became even worse such...
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