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Women in Films

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT: From the film Mildred Pierce, The Women, and Fatal Attraction examine and evaluate how these films deal with ONE of the following topics – work/career family/children romantic love/marriage friendship self-identity What is the relationship of the protagonist to this aspect of her life/herself? Is it a positive or a negative force in her life? How is this aspect expressed or manifested in the film? Does this change during the course of the film? If so, how? Be specific, providing concrete examples, citing scenes and dialogue to support your point. Mention recent films as relevant to compare/contrast. Take into consideration the time frame of the films, and discuss whether you see change over time. Try to use the assigned readings from Basinger, Haskell, de Beauvoir, and Faludi to inform your point of view. Length: The final paper must be 7 - 10 pages, typed, double-spaced, with citations where necessary according to MLA style. A bibliography citing at least 4 text sources (sources other than the films themselves and not including Wikipedia) should be provided, which does not count towards the required written pages. FORMAT FOR ALL PAPERS: All papers should be typed, double-spaced, footnoted as necessary according to MLA Style, and include a bibliography of sources you consulted (this should be a separate page, NOT included in the page count).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date: May o5, 2011.
Women in Films
Mildred Pierce is a 1945Warner Bros film that deals with a long suffering mother and her unappreciative daughter. It opens at the time Beragon being shot and murmurs the name Mildred as her last words before he dies. As a result, the police believed that the restaurant owner by the name Mildred is the murder; however, Bert admits the crime. Mildred flashbacks her life, when she got married to unemployed Bert. After learning that Mildred and Bert is about to divorce, Bert’s business partner, Wally propositioned Mildred. After the divorce, Mildred got the custody of her two daughters. Mildred’s goal in life was to provide for the eldest daughter, Veda sis always demanding more than what the family can achieve. Mildred was much in need of a job, though the best she could get was being a waitress, a fact she ended up hiding from Veda. The second daughter contracts pneumonia and dies. After her burial, she throws herself in opening a restaurant at the coast. Since she wanted to please her unappreciative daughter, Mildred ended up into a loveless marriage with Beragon, a formerly wealthy man, (Mildred Pierce).
On the other hand, The Woman is an American comedy that was directed and produced in 2008 by Diane English. The unique thing about the movie is that, there is no male character, till to the end of the movie, when a male child is shown. The movie deals with Mary Haines who happens to be a clothing designer, living in a sub-urban Connecticut home, together with her husband and their daughter aged 11 years. Sylvia best friend since collage time happens to be the editor of a prominent magazine dealing with fashion. Sylvia was the first to discover that, Mary’s husband is involved in an extramarital a fairs with the perfume sales girl; however, she decides not to tell Mary. By good lack, marry discovers secrete by herself. She ends up confronting the lady first in the departmental store, then with her husband, before asking for divorce, (The Women).
Mary’s friends like Sylvia joined forces in supporting their spurning friend, on the way, complications arises at the time Sylvie, who had lost her job conspires with local gossip columnist Bally, by conforming Mary’s marital problems. This was done with an exchange for Bailey’s contribution of a celebrity profile to the magazine. After learning Sylvie’s betrayal, Mary ended up bring their relationship to an end. This conspiracy Made Mary to loss her job, hence decided to open her own clothing design shop. After this, she ended forgiving Sylvie, and made plans to solidify her distorted marriage while unveiling new line of women’s wear.
Fatal Attraction is also another film directed by Adrian Lyne. This film deals with one of the married man who ends up having a weekends a fair with a lady who stops at nothing in making it come to an end, as she becomes obsessed to him. Dan was a New York attorney, who was happily married, when he made Forrest, an editor for a certain publishing company through business. At such a time, his wife and daughter were out of town for a weekend, he ends up having a passionate affair with Alex. At first, the point was understood be very simple, however, she begins clinging to him. Though Dan tried to move his family to Bedford, but this did not matter to Alex. This went on to a point where, Dan had to approach the police in the application for a restraining orders against her, on the claim that, it is for the client. However, the lieutenant dismisses it claiming that, it is not possible to violate her rights in the absence of cause, and that the adulterer has to carry his own cross.
Friendship in Mildred Pierce
In the film of Mildred Pierce, friendship has been used in redefining the nature of each woman. Mildred and her daughter Vita have a worst relation that can exist between women and between mother and her kid. The two goes out with different ambitions, for instance, Mildred tries her best to make Vita happy, but Vita tries as much as she could in defeating the happiness of her mother. Since Mildred allows people to walk over her, then she takes the blame when Vita is accused for killing Monty. This kind of friendship redefines different ideals expected from children in 1940s, in the first scene, Vita constantly talk back to her parents especially to Mildred, and was never punished for it. This relationship never changed, it just remained to be worse. The relation between Ida and Mildred on the other hand develops over time. The fist time Mildred meets Ida, Mildred was a customer in Ida’s restaurant. At this time, Ida was the boss and she runs the show at the restaurant that Mildred is trying to look for the job. According to the presentation, if Ida could have been a man, there could have been some higher chances that, she could have ended up being another Mildred’s husband, (Nelson 45).
However, due to the fact that the movie was produced in 1945, there was no audience who could have singled that out. The two ended up having a very stronger friendship, which grew up to the respect as well as the admiration of each other. At the time Mildred opens up her own restaurant, the roles are reversed, as Ida started working under Mildred’s management. Due to the fact that the position Mildred was hold...
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