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History: American Revolution

Essay Instructions:
# Topic: Both national governments created after American independence reflect the concerns and complaints of the colonists toward the British imperial government. In one sense, the Articles are an over-reaction to their fears, while the Constitution represents the lessons learned from the political revolution they carried out. In this essay, discuss the specific ways these two governments reflect the complaints toward the imperial government and the lessons the Founding Fathers learned. Hint: You might consider the following in formulating your answer: What were the chief complaints about the imperial government? How did the Articles of Confederation address the complaints you listed? What problems were caused by this? How did the Constitution address the complaints you listed? How did the Constitution reflect a change in thought about the complaint - what did the Founders learn? # Requirements This is to be your basic college level essay with an introduction and clear thesis statement which defines your well-thought out argument. The body of the paper should be evidence (proof) supporting your argument. And the paper should end with a conclusion, or summing up, of what you just wrote about. See “Writing for Dr. Breuer” for more specific details on what constitutes an “A” history paper. Feel free to use the Writing Center in the Library for help in writing the basic essay. I do not want you to merely summarize the events of colonization. DO NOT QUOTE from the secondary sources (books, websites, etc.). In a paper this short your argument is much stronger if it is in your own words. The only time a short quote (one sentence, but preferably a phrase only) from a document should be used is if you are specifically discussing that quote to make your point or you use it in the course of making your point. If you overly rely upon quotes, you will lose points. Be sure to properly cite any quote you have parenthetically within the body of the paper. The proper citation for a reference from one of the documents is (author of document, document name). You also need to cite close paraphrases. Be sure to review the paragraph on academic dishonesty in the syllabus. The grade for a plagiarized paper is 0. If in doubt, cite! The paper should be double-spaced with 12pt type and 1” margins. Do not use a cover sheet, rather type your name, class, assignment and date in a single-spaced header (like the one above). Also give your essay a title, which should be centered above the first sentence of your essay. I will take points off if the paper is not in this format. Grammar and spelling count, so be sure to proof-read, do not just rely upon spell check. References Cohen, P. C., Hartman, S. M., Johnson, M. P., Lawson, A., Roark, J. L., & Stage, S. (2009). THE AMERICAN Promise. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's.
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(08th, March, 2011)
History: American Revolution
American Revolution is a struggle that took place between 1775 and 1783 and it involved a struggle by which the thirteen colonies of the Atlantic seaboard of the northern American won their independence from the Great Britain hence renamed United Sates. American Revolution is sometimes termed as the American war of independence.
During the American Revolution the British had a virtual control of the Atlantic hence could easily launch its attack any where in addition to the American army was small with fewer continental officers. Moreover British were in a better position in funding its war unlike the American one and this is mainly attributed to their taxing system which generated substantial revenues in the previous colonial wars. On the other hand the continental congress immediately after declaring its independence set out defined relationships especially institutionally with its former colonies and the powers were stipulated by the articles of confederation which made the congress unable to regulate or tax neither commerce nor hence lacking taxing system hampering its funding capabilities Confederation
After America declared its independence it then ushered in the creation of national governments which highly reflects the concerns as well as the complaints that colonists had towards the British imperial government. Fists way in which these concerns and complaints were reflected is the policy of loosely enforcing of the policy of ,mercantilism and the navigation Acts which the British favored and were intended to regulate the commence in the British interests. Such concern is seen when the American government allowed its colonies to develop freely with limited interference from the England. By allowing free development implied that there were concerns regarding the way the British government manipulated the colonist policies to serve their own interests.
Some of the chief complaints that existed about the imperial government include the economic powers that should each state be bestowed with, the lack of power fro sates to declare war as well as the power to regulate or tax commerce. Some of the other main complaints and concern during the time include the complaints that the congress was ineffective and inefficient in the deliverance of its duties, the political conniving, in sufficient funds as well as food supplies and finally the effects of the satins that war caused leading to widespread disaffection and apathy amongst the people....
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