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Revolutionary War

Essay Instructions:
Topic: What strategy could the British have employed to defeat us in the Revolution? Make sure you discuss the topic by including the thesis statement (highlight in red, please) and use current reputable sources to analyze the essay thoroughly WITHOUT any type of plagiarism. Use ONLY books and academic articles as sources. Also make sure to use two quotes from songs that relates to the topic. Lastly, ALL APA references and citations must be correct and used properly.
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Revolutionary War
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Revolutionary war
Revolutionary war involved three navies that interacted to form a central conflict of the war. These groups included those of the Americans, the Americans and those of the British. In addition, there were some other groups apart from the three main groups, which played a role in the war. This navy comprises of American state navies, Dutch navies and the Spanish. The British HYPERLINK "http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Royal_Navy" \o "Royal Navy"Royal Navy primary missions were to finish the international shipping and American local. The British royal navy also wanted to assist the British army with logistics on the war, defend the shipping of America against the American privateers. British navy wanted to prevent the invasion of France in to the Great Britain, and to maintain the supremacy of the navy in the Atlantic (Cogliano, 2009). British navy proved that it was capable of handling all those primary goals. The French role was seen as unremarkable but played a critical role in 1781. It was helpful in defeating the fleet of the British that made the army be trapped at New York tow after the British sought the aid of HYPERLINK "http://en.citizendium.org/wiki?title=Cornwallis&action=edit&redlink=1" \o "Cornwallis (page does not exist)"Cornwallis. The small US navy sought to avoid combat and was accustomed primarily against the British ships. In case there was a need of them to use combat, they were well acquainted as exemplified by HYPERLINK "http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/John_Paul_Jones" \o "John Paul Jones"John Paul Jones victory in what is considered as the famed ship-on-ship war of global history. It is evidently clear that the Britons had all the advantages on their side and strategies like using cutting-edge military and heavy artillery to defeat the US in the Revolution.
What strategy could the British have employed to defeat us in the Revolution?
The revolution war occurred in the home field of the colonies, entirely in the northern part of America. This gave the colonies a geographical advantage since the British was not familiar with the grounds on which they were fighting. However, the British employed well-trained military who had the ability to use the method of sneak attacks. Militiamen from the rural executed some of the crucial moments that was experienced in the war although they had limited resources and out numbered. For example, Kentucky riflemen who were hidden near a British encampment on the hills shot General Simon (Lind, 2006). This was a significant loss for redcoat in the course of the Saratoga war that was an immediate turning point in the battle.
However, the British navies could have decided to employ strategies that were not considered to be of significant impact in war before the war of the revolution. Solders could be instructed to target members that were of high ranks in the opposite force. This strategy had never been applied in any battle ever before revolution war. On the other hand, the British army could have followed the custom of ceasing the war on main holidays that was shared like Christmas holiday (Brooks & Hohwald, 1999). These were the days that the British attacked oppositions surprisingly while they were still celebrating Christmas. The British navy acquired strong ships guns and trained enough solders to go for the war.
Additionally, the British defeated revolutionary war due to poor management of the opposition’s navy. The navy spent a lot of time fighting navy from France in the European waters. In order for the British to win the war, the British use their grand royal navy effectively than they ever did. After London had won the war of seven years, they relaxed and left their ships to rot sink in the water. They recorded a little improvement during the late 1770s. In addition, Admiral Hood defeated France in the West Indies and made him regain control of the seas. However, in the critical year 1781 the Spanish, Dutch and the French allies had outstanding warships of about 168, about 60 or more guns compared to the British who had 144 warships and the US who had none.
The British could have acquired more warships and guns since it was the main battleship. Battles had to take place closely with marines respected as boarding parties and sharpshooters. British could not have use frigates; this is because frigate ships were small, and could only be used in raids, and convoys. It was easy for the Britons to win the revolutionary war: they had no problems in organizing and guarding the convoy of supplies, money, fodder, and food. They could supply resources to the army despite the long distance they had to cover. In addition, if they tried to supply resources using ships, they succeeded without being captured (Lind, 2006). The coastline was exceptionally long and had numerous ports. Therefore, the British navy could have vulnerably assaulted from the sea and capture the new York city, Newport, Savannah, Charleston and Philadelphia, which the prime port.
From a strategic point of view, the British moved its troops smoothly with limited lose registered in Quebec, Boston, and Philadelphia. In terms of defense, the British navy protected its home island and occupied American cities and the possessions in the West Indies (Kennedy, 2006). The resources of the British were overstrained by the effort of the British to block both the French coasts and the American. The inability of the royal navy to destroy the greatest French fleet, to evacuate or defend Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781 and its failure to assist Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777 made the royal navy fail.
The much-vaunted navy from Britain performed so poorly because the London administration was thoroughly corrupt, heavily politicized, and blind to the bigger issue of strategy. The officers were not experts and excellent in their work. This is because the corps was made up of aristocrats that were more concerned with honor and status. They never applied new tactics in the war but rather showed timidity. The seamen comprise of two groups: the first group was of people who were paid poorly, deadly scurvy and inhuman discipline, putrid food and yellow fever of the navy simply because they dint have any other job. The second group was of merchant sailors who had been kidnapped and impressed to the job without their will (Worley, 2006). This fleet was maintained by cruelty, first manned by violence and are defrauded by injustice. Jack Tars signed up on the privateers and became outspoken rebels that raided British shipping in the war.
British commanded the station of the North America depicting the two faces of the naval war. The second face of the war started after the entry of France. Later the war was turned into a w...
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