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Country Brief on Current Events in Syria

Essay Instructions:
A 5 page paper on the current political, economic,military, and diplomatic affairs, in the country of Syria. There needs to be a table of content, first half page needs to be introduction, the next 2 1/5 pages should be background, and the final pages should be analysis and conclusion.
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Country Brief on Current Events in Syria
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Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425170" Country Brief on Current Events in Syria  PAGEREF _Toc341425170 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425171" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc341425171 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425173" Background  PAGEREF _Toc341425173 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425177" Military Events  PAGEREF _Toc341425177 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425179" Diplomatic Events  PAGEREF _Toc341425179 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425181" Economic Events  PAGEREF _Toc341425181 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425183" Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc341425183 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425187" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc341425187 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc341425189" References  PAGEREF _Toc341425189 \h 8

Country Brief on Current Events in Syria
Syria has been on the news for quite a long period, almost a year now. This is not on a good note, but based on a political and security crisis grappling the country. Syria is among the list of underdeveloped countries in the world. There have been reports of mass killing by government troops and the rebels that came out in protest after the Arab Spring that started across some of the Arab nations. This not to say that the political instability and corruption experienced over the years by the regime is quite discouraging. This study seeks to explain the resent events in Syria relating to economic, political, diplomatic, and military operations in the country. It explains ineptly how these factors have led to underdevelopment in the country. Slow economic growth is mentioned to be because of this instability. The country’s culture is also another factor affecting the development of the country. Many cultural activities are barbaric and result in the limitation of development capacities. The current political and military crisis in Syria is, but a reflection of the social and economic challenges; the country has faced over the years.
Syria can be termed as politically unstable country because of the mass killings that have been reminiscent of the country in the past years. The country is in a conflict with rebels, mainly the youth charming out in protest for regime change. However, President A-Assad and his regime have not been ready to cede power, putting the country into a long-drawn conflict. The fight between government troops and protesters left many dead and many cities and urban centers shelled. Businesses have come to a standstill in many parts of the country as the levels of insecurity have kept on rising each day as the stalemate ensues (Rabil, 2006).
The year 2011 marked the beginning of civil unrest in Syria. This was because of protest against the government, which happened when Hassan Ali Akleh set himself on fire after pouring gasoline on his body. Other demonstrations followed that evening leading to killings and brutal treatment of the protesters by the Syrian police who were providing security. The protests and arrests went on until 6 March that year when other young men were arrested for painting on the walls that they will overthrow the regime. This led to another protest where another group opposing the government went on hunger strike so that the boys would be released. They termed it as oppression and brutality acts from the government. They also argued that they have been deprived of their rights. It is their right to express their opinion and no one should arrest them since they were making peaceful demonstrations (Stacher, 2012).
Propaganda has it that the protesters were terrorists that wanted to destroy the government. Truth is still not known since propaganda is there to hide the ugly truth. The protest destroyed government in that, security officers including declined to treat the poor protesters with no firearms or any other form of weapons for that matter, unjustly. They slowly by slowly withdrew their loyalty from the government. This made the army turn against the local security enforcers; the army formed groups to be able to fight their juniors who by that time had begun to receive donations of fighting equipments from international countries. Ceasefire attempts have been made to no avail. The conflict has continued for months now. The opposition is growing strong because it is getting aid from outside countries.
Military Events
When the protesters got support from the local police, the army turned against them. The government used them to bring down the opposition. Six hundred solders were appointed to make sure that all the protesters were arrested and hold captive. They used live bullets to fight civilians and the local police. They blocked food, water and power supply. Communication networks were also terminated. The situation got out of hand when the army extended its mission to the neighboring cities leading to people countrywide experiencing drought and feminine. Many people ran to other countries as refugees to seek security, food, and shelter (Gelvin, 2012).
Diplomatic Events
Syria h...
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