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Chinese Ancient Religions and Philosophy on Korea

Essay Instructions:
Length: minimum for entire essay is 2500 words, about 10 pages typed, double spaced. There is no maximum length. Place word count on title page. Criteria of evaluation: A. Depth of research, this involves an accurate general perspective; command of detail on your specific subject; understanding of strong evidence, if any, against your view; and suitability and strength of sources. B. Organization, this includes clarity, logic (there should be a logical connection among the points given in your essay), unity (maintenance of same theme throughout the whole, or a large section of the essay), coherence (smooth link between minor sections of the essay), and correctness of form (e.g., having foot or endnotes, a bibliography, the use of proper grammar, etc.). C. Original thinking, you are strongly encouraged to put forward and support your own original thinking. Original thinking often makes the difference between an outstanding and an average essay. Above is the requirements of the essay This is East Asia history class and I am thinking to write about the religion and philosophies in China and such as buddhism, taoism, and etc. and how it impacted Korea. I want to write about how the religion from China affects Korea, how it got into Korea, what role did religion played in Korea's society, economics, and etc. , how people adopt to those religions, and etc. Since it is a history class, current events or current history has to be less than 20% rest of them has to be from old events in the history. Use a text book called "Heritage of China 'Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization'" Edited by Paul S. Ropp as one of the source if possible I also need a rough draft in 3days so please send me a rough draft less than 3 days so i can show it to my professor. Thanks
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Chinese Ancient Religions and Philosophy on Korea
Name: Eun Ae Rim
The paper aimed to investigate the impact of ancient Chinese religious beliefs and philosophies on Korea. Studies on Chinese culture show that the culture was considered more advanced in East Asia. Thus, this paper highlighted Chinese influence on Korean culture. Buddhism and Confucianism were the foremost belief system which impacted on Korea. Socially, Koreans adopted a hierarchical structure through adoption of Confucianism. Taoism mainly influenced the practice of meditation and veneration of ancestors. The proclamation of Chinese religion by the Korean nobility provided the impetus for Korean adoption of Chinese culture. Nevertheless, Koreans did no abandon their culture entirely as traditional beliefs still persisted in the community.
Ancient Chinese culture was profoundly influenced by numerous religions and philosophies. Historically, Confucianism and Taoism were ethical moral code of conduct for people and officials. The two originated from an era in which philosophical thoughts dominated most parts of China. In essence, Taoism advocated for inner peace and harmony with the surroundings. On the other hand, Confucianism proposed various ways in which people were supposed to behave. Confucius the founder of Confucianism asserted that a society had to follow certain set rules in their relationships for harmony to prevail in the society. Additionally, adherence to Confucianism would lead to political stability. Buddhism is a religion with roots in India but grew more prominent in China. This paper focuses on ancient Chinese religion, philosophies, there historical evolution and impact on Korea.
The Korean people live in the Korean Peninsula bordering China and Russia to the North and Japan to the East. They originated from the region between Ural and Altaic Mountain in Northern and north central areas of Asia (Lee, 1997). The Chinese culture had a profound impact on Korea because of early civilization in china and the geographical proximity between the two. Koreans living in the Korean peninsula share similar cultures and are ethnically distinct from the surrounding people. Thus, many dynasties sought to create lasting kingdoms to ensure stability in the peninsula. China conquered the Choson Empire in 109 BC which began the process of adoption of Chinese culture in the Korean peninsula. There was resistance of the Chinese influence in parts of Korea, but Buddhism became the most influential due to association with the Chinese. Korea began importing Chinese art and architecture and meanwhile Korea also sent students and scholars to China, who studied Confucian writings. According to Ivey (2008) Confucianism has been present in Korea since the Fifth century and has the most profound impact on Korea’s way of life especially during the Yi dynasty (1392-1909).
Revered Chinese philosopher Confucius lived between 551- 479 B.C.E, in an era whereby the society underwent numerous political instabilities and social unrest. Consequently, peace is a recurring theme in Confucianism. In essence, this philosophy relates to the manner in which people related with each other, the ideas also seem to focus on education as a way to eradicate ignorance and minimize disagreements in the society. To Confucius an ideal leader is one that is educated and upholds morals which can be followed by other people (Littlejohn, 2010). Thus, Confucius departed from the long held belief that rulers ought to be chosen on the basis of heredity.
Confucianism focuses on behavior in relationships as governed by ethical principles including, righteousness, compassion and modesty. Relationships are further categorized as parent- child, ruler-subject, husband- wife and friend – friend. The parent child relationship was seen as the most secure and lasting to the extent that younger generations always respect older generations. The ruler subject relationship relates to devotion and allegiance, also the ruler takes care of the subject. The senior brother- younger brother relates to all relationships in which seniors are assumed to be wiser. The husband- wife relationship was an extension of family especially when male children were involved. The friend- friend relationship espouses the need for faithfulness and mutual respect between people. Confucianism lays emphasis on laws as the parameter on which to judge behavior rather than morality.
The spread of Confucianism transformed the Korean society; this was possible because the nobility opened an academy to teach sons of the nobility about Confucianism in 372 during the Koguryo Dynasty (37-668). Furthermore, another school focused on teaching Confucian classics opened in the Paekche kingdom (20-660). In Silla kingdom (365-935) king Muyol sent students from Silla to T’ang in order to learn about Confucianism. Subsequently, the king established a military organization based on the teachings of Confucianism and Buddhism. In essence, members of the military adopted self cultivation and practiced Confucianism eventually leading to the unification of the three kingdoms in 669 (Yao, 2000). Confucianism was common among scholars but among the general population to the extent that Choi Chung (974-1068) was christened as the ‘Confucius of the East.’
Though Confucianism had been introduced earlier, Buddhism became the main religious philosophy in Korea during the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392). The dominance of Buddhism in government administration led to widespread corruption. Consequently, Confucian scholars called for a revival of Confucianism towards the end of the Koryo Dynasty. The demise of the Koryo era marked the rise of Confucianism as Neo Confucianism during the Yi Dynasty (1392-1910). Korean Neo Confucianism delved into the study of principle and human nature.
This philosophy mainly follows the teachings of Lao Tzu, Tao means a way whereby Taoism is based on the idea that everything works in harmony with Tao. Tao cannot be seen and is neither a thing, but can be perceived to be a mechanism that offers guidance. Even though, it cannot be seen it is manifested in things of the world (BBC, 2012). In addition, there are deities but there are no gods in Taoism. Taoists do not worship deities and these divinities depend on Tao in the same manner as other things of the universe.
To Taoists there is no need for organizations as harmony only occurs when people follow Tao (Kirkland, 2004). Furthermore, harmony occurs when there is no interference in people’s life. In order, to enhance civility in the society there is a need to follow meekness, quietness and peace, as opposed to following desires and ambition. As opposed to Confucianism, Taoists assert that there is no need for government because ideal rulers do not govern. Taoism advocates for harmony with nature while Confucianism advocates for harmony among people, the worship of ancestors and objects is common in Taoism (Kirkland, 2004).
Buddhism began to decline in Korea while Taoism began to gain more prominence. A Taoist monk from Tang lectured about Taoism to thousands of people and King Yongnyu in 624. Consequently, the king began to show interest in Taoism and sent some students to T’ang so as to study Taoism. In addition, some Buddhist temples were converted into Taoist place of worship (Cha, 1983). Among the three kingdoms, Taoism was most visible in Silla whereby Lao Tzu’s book Tao Te Ching was well received in Silla kingdom in 738 (Cha, 1983). During this era Taoism became popular after scholars went to study in the T’ang kingdom subsequently Taoism dominated civil service assessment. Outside of China, the Korean Peninsula shows acceptance of Taoism than any other society. For this to be possible then it had to fulfill the following conditions (Kirkland, 2004). Firstly is the introduction of doctrines, building of temples, the presence of priests and religious organization
Contrary to earlier philosophies and religions, Buddhism did not mention governing and mainly focused on individual behavior. Buddhism is divided into Tibetan, Han and Southern Buddhism advocates for internal development in human beings as human suffering is unavoidable. Buddhists also believe that there is reincarnation, but one can escape from this cycle (Ch’oe, 2007). Buddhism seeks spiritual enlightenment like the religion’s founder Buddha. Enligtment can be achieved through meditation, observing morality and wisdom. The Buddhist school of thought recognizes four noble truths which identify the causes of human trouble, suffering, and offers solutions to these torments.
Buddhism in Korea can be traced from the fourth century when there were three kingdoms. However, Kao Seng Chuan mentions that there is evidence that Buddhism could have reached Korea earlier before. Nonetheless, Buddhism got recognized during the reign of King Sosurium (371- 384). The establishment of Songmun and Ibullan monas...
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