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History of Terrorism

Essay Instructions:
In the context of the history of terrorism, provide a detailed explanation of how the dramatic shifts in the underlying motivations of terrorists have resulted in an equally dramatic shift in terrorist organization, financing, and tactics. In addition, describe the rising needs for contingency planning at the federal, state, and local level for projected crisis scenarios. -APA Style 6th Edition -6 pages not including title page and reference page -5 References -5 in-text citations -Times New Roman Font 12pt -Title page and reference page
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HISTORY OF TERRORISM Name: Course title: Instructor: Institution: Date Due: The word terrorism has no standard definition, but in essence, it can be referred to as those acts, which cause terror to others. Such acts are often instigated by either religious causes, ideological factors or even politics. In most of the cases, the target of these terrorists is the civilians (Chaliand, 2007). History The origin of terrorism can be traced to the time of Sicarri- Zealots in the present day Israel. Zealots were the Jewish revolutionist that was present in Judea during the first century after Christ. This group directed their terror against those who were seen cooperating with the Roman authorities. The Zealots who were great oppositionist of the Roman Empire resorted to killing or threatening those who were seen cooperating with the Roman authorities. To them, this was a form of intimidating such people and discouraging others who were in the same trend from cooperating with the Romans. Their form of terror involved intimidation and even killing those (Hoffman, 1999, p. 167). The origin of the term itself is however traced in the actions of the revolutionary group in France during the great revolution at the time. At this time around 1790s, there was a gang of revolutionists who were popularly calling themselves as the Jacobin Club. The actions of these people were so feared in the whole of that nation to the point their existence was labelled as the “reign of Terror”. When asked on why they were engaging themselves in those inhuman acts, Robespierre who was the Jacobin leader expressed to them, it was the only way left to achieve justice. Five years later when their actions were presumed as so severe, Burke Edmond the France leader at that time outlawed the Jacobin club and termed their action as causing havoc to thousands of Franc citizens(Burke,1795, 308–76). In 1850s, an Italian Citizen hulled three grenades at Napoleon III with an intention of killing him. During the incidence, more than three people lost there lives and 150 of them were critically injured. The incidence was a motivator to the evolution of the Russian terrorist group named “peoples retribution a few years later. The leader HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Nechayev" \o "Sergey Nechayev"Sergey Nechayev, of the Russian terrorist group had an audacity to even label himself as a “terrorist”. This was the earliest example where this term is deployed to denote its current understanding (Burke, 1795, 308–76). Motivation for Terrorists Studies on terrorism and their activities have found out that many terrorists including leaders of terrorism groups are not very sure on why they are participating in those activities. A study carried by Hoover Institute interviewed five major al-Qaida leaders on what was motivating them in engaging in battles and terrorism. The answers provided in the questionnaire from among the five leaders interviewed were conflicting. The study also noted that the terrorist groups’ agenda was not static but kept shifting from one point to another. This is an indication that in essence, there are no clear goals of such groups. It can be assumed that their anticipated goals just like other organisations may be to obtaining basic needs, spiritual fulfilment, physical wants and economic boost (Hoffman, 1999). Another study conducted by scholars at West Point Combating Terrorism Center established that terrorist’s main motivation was finding a group in which they can belong to. The concept of joining terrorism because of protecting religious ideologies was not very much savoured by these people. The study also found out that many of the terrorist were not even very much conversant with Islamic teachings as a religion. Interestingly, many of them had poor education background and very limited religious background. This study concluded that ignorance on Islamic teaching and lack of education, which lead to them being manipulated and misguided were the major factors influencing people to join terrorism (Hoffman, 1999). Peer influence and social-cultural factors are also the motivating factors for those people joining terrorism. Youths may be influenced by such factors such as fashions, peer influence, lifestyle, music, etc. A person may join such a movement with no bad intention only to realise afterwards that they are submerged in a dangerous group. In fact terrorist groups such as the al-Qaida evolved from listening to "jihad rap" which was a rap that was anti American in nature. Others may be invoked in these groups’ activities with no bad intention but eventual growing into experiences serial killers. This may be due to the psychological affect of being involved in such a group. Terrorism Organisation, Finance and Tactics Terrorism is in most cases considered as an organised crime. According to Tuman, this organised terrorist group may comprise of members who may be conveying themselves temporarily for a particular purpose, and after the cause is over, members may disperse to pursue other objectives in different ...
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