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Representation of Demons in Different Cultures: Western vs. Eastern

Essay Instructions:

Please discuss the similarities and differences between the representations of demons in different cultures? (Eastern vs. Western)

Western: the demons from Divine Comedy, Milton's Satan, the play of antichrist
Eastern: the jinn from the Quran, Shahnameh, and Japanese Oni

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Representation of Demons in Different Cultures: Western vs. Eastern
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Demons are considered to be wicked supernatural beings which exist historically in different cultures, causing diverse problems in society. Demons have been clearly presented in religions, occultism, literature, fictions, and folktales as well as among society Media like comics, movies, and television series. The representation of demons in the western and eastern cultures have indicted similarities and diversity in that each culture have developed its own way of defining and representing demons as they function in society. for instance, the representation of demons in the western culture presents the negative nature of demons characterized by all associated wicked thing. However, the representation of demons in the eastern culture does not carry a negative connotation as they are represented as divined power spirits. This paper provides a discussion of how demons are represented in a different culture specifically the western culture as presented in the divine comedy Milton’s Satan in the play of antichrist and the eastern culture as presented in the jinn from the Quran, Shahnameh, and Japanese Oni.
Similarities in the Western and Eastern Representation of Demons
Both eastern and western regions are characterized by the evolving interconnectedness of culture, religions, and superstitions which brings about diversity in definition and representation of supernatural beings especially while referring to the role of demons in the society. The existing similarities I demo representation among different culture occurs as a result of shared cultural practices that interlink different cultural beliefs across the world. The religions in both eastern and western cultures believe that demons form an integral part of society and play a major role in influencing the lives of society, people’s believes and practices. In both cases, demons are considered to be spirits which are invisible but their impacts are felt among the lives of a human being (Vos & Otten, 2011). This indicates a close association of how eastern and western cultures have a similar approach in definition and interpretation of demons especially with reference on how demons affect the lives of a human being.
With reference to demons representation, religions from both western and eastern cultures present traces for hell concept development with the issue dominating the western religion but only appearing as a trace in the eastern religion. The two cultures have adopted similar ways of presenting demons as part of the society whereby they use numerous drawings, photographs, illustrations, and graphs to present the demon in society. Evil spirits represented in the form of demons are considered as obstacles that hinder human being from leading a better life or interfere with the human relationship with his gods (Fiore, 1957). Such spirits in both cases are avoided or prevented by offering appeasement and meditative detachment offerings to the gods. Without realization of the demons, they are said to destroy human life by causing destruction in interference of the human mind.
In both Asian and Latin cultures, demons are represented as spiritual or divine power with both positive and negative connotations (Al-Akhras & Green, 2016). As presented in the two cases on “the demon from divine comedy, Milton’s Satan, the play of antichrist” and “the jinn from the Quran, Shahnameh, and Japanese Oni, the concept of demons have remained relevant in modern religions and occultist traditions. Most of these religions in both western and eastern cultures use the snake as a symbol of a demon with other graphics and instruments integrating to define the role of demons in the society. There is however le...
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