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Ivan The Terrible: Two Part Historical Movie About Ivan IV Of Russia

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Write a review about movie: Ivan the Terrible(Soviet Union)

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Ivan the Terrible is a two-part historical movie about Ivan IV of Russia, which was directed and scripted by Sergei Eisenstein. Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin commissioned this project, and he was the person who praised himself with Ivan. The first part of this film was released in 1944. However, the second part could not be released until 1978 because it was banned by Stalin who became incensed over the depiction of Ivan therein. When the second part of Ivan the Terrible was banned, it became impossible for Sergei Eisenstein to work on the third part which was required to finish the story. After his death in 1948, what was completed of the third part was destroyed.
It is not a coincidence that Ivan Grozny or Ivan the Terrible was admired across Russia during Stalin’s time. After its release and success, the attitude of people toward Stalin changed to an extent. The character of Ivan Grozny is a stumbling block, dividing Russian society into different parts. Those who love the country (called patriots) view him as a good statesman and collector of Russian lands, and those who are called West-leaning Russians consider him as a cruel Russian leader who destroyed everyone who tried to raise voice against him or who he disliked. According to these West-leaning Russians, his cruelty was at its peak, and this kept the country locked in fear for many years.
For many years, movies are being made regarding how Russian society was transformed or impacted with time. These movies, including Ivan the Terrible, ...
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