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Representations of Demons and Monsters in Western and Eastern Cultures

Essay Instructions:

discuss the similarities and differences in the representations of demons and monsters in different cultures. (Western vs. Eastern)
Western: the demons from Divine Comedy, Milton's Satan, the play of Antichrist
Eastern: the jinn from the Quran, Shahnameh, and Japanese Oni
Food for thought in view of the final paper:
a) Monsters and demons undoubtedly defined morals (particularly, the idea of evil) in the pre-modern era: did all the cultural creatures that we studied do this in the same way? Or, perhaps, a comparison between Christian demons, jinns, Persian monsters and oni reveal some grey areas in this respect?...
b) Monsters and demons also defined (or attempted to define) the boundaries between a hegemonic system - made up of beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores - and a conceptualized otherness: how did this happen in the representations of evil creatures in different cultures and societies?
c) Monsters and demons reveal numerous similarities in terms of visual representations across various cultures, although what they express is strictly contingent to the culture and society which produces them. What does this tell us about humans, their complex mechanisms of cultural production and the circulation/exchange of ideas among various communities?
d) Monsters and demons carried evident connotations related to issues of social stratification, political power and gender roles and identity in society. Can you discuss how the cultural creatures we studied did this in different cultures?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Similarities and Differences in the Representations of Demons and Monsters in Different Cultures (Western and Eastern)
Institutional Affiliation
The Similarities and Differences in the Representations of Demons and Monsters in Different Cultures (Western and Eastern)
Supernatural folklore continued to remain an integral part of contemporary English society as well as the East community besides the widespread belief in the supernatural. One would expect with the significant change in dynamics, much of the past would be forgotten and more so, with the heightened level of technology and civilization. Humanity continues to believe in demons, ghosts, deities, and life after death although the degree invariance of these phenomena is profound depending on the demographic. Related similarities and differences in how the Western and Eastern approach towards supernatural deities develop the manner in how the different cultures perceive, treat, believe, or disbelieve their attritions. The subsequent discussion develops an extensive discussion on the similarities and differences that exist in the representations of demons and monsters in different cultures with particular emphasis being on the Western and Eastern views and beliefs.
Among the many similarities that exist in the different regions, people cannot deny the influential role of the media in appreciating the role of the supernatural beings both in the Eastern and Western cultures. One of the most defining aspects of the Japanese culture is the upsurge and consistent use of anime and film in promoting their culture. The Japanese culture which is a major culture of the East has been popular for the integration of technology without much change in its culture. With this symbiotic evolution, both aspects have grown to respectable phenomenon in the society. Oni has remained relevant through the use of anime and manga which are popular reads on the internet. In essence, they lead from this aspect in comparison to the Western culture. On their part, the Westerners have reverted to the use of films convey to their beliefs and perceptions on demons and ghosts. In the Western culture, many are intrigued by the after-life and this has formed the reference for their films particularly the horror movies. These have become great instruments in how they convey their depictions of fear from the demons and monsters of their ancient past (Valenzano & Engstrom, 2014). However, in the Western world particularly in America, this perception is fading away gradually as most are taking the movies as sources of entertainment rather than an instrument of conveying the profound message.
Another similarity that arises in the two cultures is the use of supernatural beings to advance morals in society. This reason justifies the much presence of the moral stories in children’s books in both cultures. In both cultures, children literature features stories of past demons and monsters with presupposed intriguing features that are aimed at creating the best imagery possible for the kids. In the American culture, these stories may raise heated debates among parents, educators, and other sections of the community particularly those from the religious and political factions as this form of cultural appreciation is never mainstream. Consequently, they may be worried that these stories may cause significant psychological conflict among their children. More so, the conservative nature of the authentic culture in the Western world is less deep than in the Far East. Countries such as Japa...
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