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Physical Activity And Psychological Health. History Essay

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Question 1
There is no relationship between physical activity and psychological health.
Question 2
The independent variables include time, sex, and majority.
Question 3
The dependent variables include physical activity and psychological health.
Question 4
The survey is longitudinal because it only covers same group of people within a short period of time. The group involved in the research was school students.
Question 5
The study design can be made stronger by increasing the population size. The study only covered one school. Hence, to make it stronger, the study can be extended to other schools to increase the population size and also gives a comparison of results.
Question 6
Psychological activity was measured using Lifestyle and Habits Questionnaire-brief version (LHQ-B). The questionnaire helped the researchers to determine the level of psychological healthy of an individual.
Question 7
The physical activity was measure using the time taken by a person in conducting the activity. For instance, a person who spends several hours exercising will be said to have engaged in intense physical activity.
Question 8
Survey as a data collection technique is beneficial regarding it low cost of gathering information. The method only needs the production of survey questionnaires that are then distributed to the respondents to collect the needed data. The questionnaires can be produced cheaply, and, also distributed at a lower cost. However, the method is not flexible which imposes a challenge to the study. A survey which was used at the start of a study cannot be changed to incorporate changes in the future process of gathering data.
Question 9
The stronger way of assessing physical health is the time taken in conducting physical exercise. A person who is stronger will be regarded to be healthy and is able to take more time in engaging in physical exercise.
Question 10
The ratio of male to female students had been improving which means that more female students are admitted in the college than male students. Further, the age variation of the students had not been high over the years. Specifically, the average age had been around 25 years while the minimum age had been 22 years with an exception to 2016 where older students were admitted. Also, most of the students preferred full time as opposed to part time classes. Also, most students come from Oakland and Michigan counties. However, the ages of the students range from 15 years to above 55 years.
Question 11
I think the results of this study are generalizable to the entire population of students in Oakland University (OU). The generalization is based on the fact that the study involved a larger sample size which gives almost accurate depiction of the entire population. Also, the sample size was equally distributed regarding various categories such as gender, major, year, and living situation depending on their sizes. For example more female were used in the research than male students because their ration to male was higher and the same applies to the other categories.
Question 12
The average for moderate physical activity is 252 minutes while that of vigorous physical activity is 171.4 minutes.
Adults should engage more in physical activities than children and adolescents. The physical activities help them to gain help good health. Specifically, adults should spend approximately 150 minutes per day of physical exercise. However, aerobic activity needs to be performed in episodes of 10 minutes which should be spread all over the week. For more health benefits, adults need to improve the time they spend in aerobic activities to 300 minutes (O'Brien et al., 2018). The 300 minutes should be of moderate physical activity while 150 minutes a week should be of vigorous physical activity. Moreover, adults who need to be healthy are recommended to engage in more physical activities. Further, adults should engage in muscle strengthening exercises that are high or moderate intensity and includes all muscle main groups on 2 or more days per week.
Contrarily, adolescents and children should do 1 hour or more physical exercise every day. However, those who engage in aerobics should spend most of the 60 minutes or more in either vigorous or moderate intensity activities. Also, the vigorous activity should be done for at least 3 days per week. Further, muscle strengthening should take 60 or more minutes of physical exercise daily (O'Brien et al., 2018). However, the adolescent should spend some more extra time in muscle strengthening exercise than children that is at least 3 days per week. Similarly, bone strengthening activity should take the same amount of time as muscle strengthening for both children and the adolescent. Generally, it is recommended that children be encouraged to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for their age, which offer variety, and that are enjoyable.
Physical activity reduces the risk of being attacked by conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and heart failure. Physical activity is important in improving cardiorespiratory fitness, reduces symptoms of depression, limits the risk of developing cancer, build strong muscles, and control weight (Hills, Dengel & Lubans, 2015). The conditions are common in the adolescents because of poor diet that they eat. For example, most of them prefer eating at the fast food restaurants that have junk foods instead of eating healthy food products at home.
Question 13
The average psychological health is 27.07 units.
The psychological health score falls between the range of 9 and 35 years. However, in class reading, the published normative score ranges is between 18 and 25 years. The age ranges varies in that the class reading includes a small age variation while the psychological health scare range is wider.
Psychological health impacts physical health in that it improves the likelihood of mental health problems. The mental health problems that are developed will intern affect physical health negatively which will lead to improved risk of certain medical conditions (‘’World Health Organization,’’ 2014). The emotional impacts that result from psychological effects include ...
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