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Paper II The Plato Teachings History Essay Research Paper

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While this paper invites you to think about your own responsibilities as a politically active citizen, be sure to discuss specific evidence from Plato's texts.

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Plato illustrates that the happy life of a man is intended by the nature of life they lived in accordance with the virtues and their politics. Plato describes that politics and the political society plays an important role in bringing about a virtuous life of the citizenry. According to his views on the connection that exists between the well being of the political society and the citizens who make the community, I believe that citizens must actively participate in politics if they want to be happy and virtuous. As an active citizen in my country, I have numerous responsibilities as a politically active citizen. Some of these responsibilities include devising new methods and techniques of relation and working together with the government and the people and also supporting and promoting democratic collaboration in the country.
When citizens take their responsibility on politics seriously, the actions and unsophisticated explanations on political responsibility implies that politics is something which they have some effect on and they can make deliberate decisions as moral beings. Political responsibility of the country lies with a lot of people but in the end, citizens are expected to obey the government (Stitzlein, 2017). Plato states that having enlightened central government gives neighborhood government institutions the opportunity to allow citizens to indulge in politics. This means that in democracy, good citizenship should help the sovereign nation to act for the interest of the population (Bruehler, 2011).
As an active citizen, am supposed to participate in judgment and the rule. This aspect is important because often time’s citizens are excluded by the law, for example citizenship resident, slaves, and aliens who are not born citizens of that particular country (Stitzlein, 2017). Moreover, children and old men who are been citizens of that particular country are termed as an incomplete citizens, they are often excluded because a citizen is a person who is fully a man which means that a person is manifested in doing the work of a citizen in judging and ruling. Plato states that a citizen is a citizen and the definition of citizenship does not clarify the quality of enabling one to become a citizen. Aristotle does not simply elaborate what it means to be a citizen but he however, states that a democratic citizen is simply a citizen (Bruehler, 2011). Aristotle presents an objection that the definition of citizenship does not give due weight to the differences among regimes. In some regimes, not all citizens are part of the rule. Plato introduces the idea that he is an Oligarch and the Gist does not allow many to rule. The Oligarch allows the democratic definition of a citizen revised. A citizen is a person who has the possibility of sharing the power of deliberating and judging with skill. He also says that all men are not citizens in all regimes.
As an active political citizen, I should be concerned with the traditional reforms and unconcerned with excellence (Stitzlein, 2017). Gorgias stipulates that as a good citizen should possess the art of rule. The ruling means making. Therefore it is important to question any traditional order that might have the allegiance of citizens because citizens want to imitate the first person who has the capability of making himself of someone who can make something of himself by himself. However, Aristotle objects Gorgias by terming it as a mockery of the dignity of citizens. He rejects the criteria of the art of ruling but insists on the criteria of justice (Bruehler, 2011).
Additionally, as a good citizen, I should participate in the Arche. An Arche is defined as not only as an office but a ruler. So as a ci...
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