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Dear Diary The American Revolution History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

This assignment addresses the following outcome:

Using primary and secondary source evidence, apply an understanding of the history of the American Revolution to a written assignment from the perspective of an individual colonist from a marginalized group. (CO#3, CO#4, CO#6/Gen. Ed. Outcome 4.2, CO#7/History Program Outcome 1)

In this paper, you will put yourself in the shoes of an “American” in the time period we have been discussing in Module 3. You will explain the significant changes in the past, and make a prediction about what will likely happen next.

First, make sure you have completed the assigned primary and secondary source reading for this week.

You are an American colonist, and you have just begun the practice of writing a diary. For your first entry, discuss the following in 3 pages (750 words):

The year is 1783. You are writing about the past ten years and describing the War of Independence, which has just ended. What are the most significant changes you have witnessed and how have they affected Americans or particular groups of Americans (consider marginalized groups in particular, such as women, religious minorities, slaves, etc.)? What (from the perspective of 1783) do you think will happen in the next few years?

The perspective that you write from is fictional but based on facts learned from the readings and your own research. Assume that your character has the ability to read and write.

In addition to using at least one of the sources listed above, you must include at least one outside primary or secondary source beyond the course readings for this week. It can be either a scholarly secondary source from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or a primary source from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or from this list of pre-approved primary source websites in US History (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You should NOT use non-scholarly websites such as Wikipedia. If you have questions about finding appropriate sources, please contact your instructor.

For help on locating appropriate sources consult the following Library resources:

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources: What’s the Difference? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Peer-Reviewed Articles: What are they? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Finding Primary Sources in the Library Databases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Your submission should contain a short abstract that explains what you are going to argue and whose perspective you are describing. Not counting abstract, citations, and a list of references, your submission should be 2–3 pages (500–750 words). While this is to be written in the form of a diary, this class assignment requires citations/footnotes and a reference list of sources used (including internet sources) in APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Chicago/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Turabian format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dear Diary
Dear Diary
The American War of Independence lasted from the year 1765 to 1783. The war was more of a revolt that was aimed at regaining the independence of the American states still then at the mercies of their British colonizers. Overall, the Hutchinson letters, the Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party played a major role in inspiring the war because it was from these acts that Americans were considered rebellious to the British. The rebellion attracted the introduction of the Intolerable Acts in an attempt to control the Americans, a move that only served to inspire the Americans to be more rebellious. This led to a series of wars that finally led to America gaining its independence in the year 1783.
The American Revolution of 1765 up to 1783 took place through a series of steps. The various states sought to gain independence from Great Britain. The need for independence was great especially after it seemed like the British were trying to curtail the freedom of the Americans using the Thomas Hutchinson’s letters. This paper covers the series of major events as they took place beginning with the letters, the Tea Act, the Boston Tea Party and the subsequent introduction of the Intolerable Acts. Many small wars eventually led to the 1783 American Revolution as shown below.
In the Month of June 1773
Today morning while at the Province of Massachusetts Bay we woke up to the news that a Boston newspaper had published the Hutchinson Letters. There was tension everywhere since the letter was claimed to call for the reduction and restriction of the colonial rights. We all felt that the British were planning to step on our freedom and in many places, people started to prepare for a possible war.
10 May: It has been a tough year so far. The British-owned East India Company is struggling financially and a move has been made by the Parliament using the Tea Act to exempt it from paying import duties. For Americans, this move does not augur well with us as it means that in a way we will be subsidizing the company to the benefit of the British. The plan is to boycott the tea (Taylor, 2018).
16 December: Today, all of us are still unsettled about the Tea Act. In Massachusetts, we agree to form a group and tackle the problem by ourselves. Disguising ourselves to look like Mohawk Indians, we take nine-thousand euros worth of tea produced by the East India Company and dump it into the Boston harbor. It seems like the perfect act of revenge for us.
1774 May to June: Seemingly, the British are still determined to suppress and punish us especially after the Boston Tea Party. Four acts have been passed so far to take away self-governance from Massachuse...
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