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Different Religions Identified in Britain

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1. Discuss the relationship and interaction of native religion in Britain with the religions of the Romans and/or religions in the empire other than Roman religion. This is, or can be, a fairly broad topic, and it may be in your best interests, in terms of writing a detailed and focused essay, to concentrate on a more limited topic.
2. On the basis of the evidence available (and keeping possible exaggerations in mind), determine whether the Britons treated the Romans better or worse than the Romans treated them.
3. Discuss the knowledge and understanding available to modern students from a careful study of the inscriptions of Roman Britain. Given. the potential breadth of this topic, it may suit your desire to produce a detailed and focused essay to limited your discussion to a specific group of inscriptions, for example, funerary monuments.

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Greek and Roman
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Britain Religions
In Britain, there are some religions, and each religion has its followers. Britain is now a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multicultural country. It moved from a country which is dominated by the Protestant Christian faith, to a country that is more secular accommodating people from all kinds of religions (Religion in Modern Britain," 2017). According to the census, Christianity is the majority religion by the number of adherents which is closely followed by Islam, which is the religion of Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism.
Before Christianity became the largest religion in Britain, it faced competition with other religions which advocated for pagan monotheism. There are other Christian traditions which include Roman, Catholicism, Methodism, and the Baptist. Before Christianity, Britain did not have an official religion because of the absence of a central government. People were free to believe in anything since there was no official ruling on it. The native religions are believed to be the religions which had their origin in the cosmological systems and paradigms of Western Europe. Evidence shows that the nature of the native religious beliefs in Britain during the Romans time can be further broken into three types. The first type consists of the truly native who originated from British Pre-Roman Iron Age and continue being worshipped by Romano -British populace. The second group consists of natives who originated during the Roman occupation of Britain and worshipped by the populace. The other type was brought into the province by the non-British Celts who would either be military or merchants. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are found in Britain and sometimes referred to as three strands of a tightly woven rope because they trace their roots to similar Semitic religious heroes.
The main religions that can be identified in Britain include today include:
Under Christianity, there are various individual denominations, to which the majority of the Christians align themselves. Christianity denominations include Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Pentecostal, Methodism an Eastern Orthodox Church, but they are not limited to the above examples. Christianity was introduced by the Romans when they retreated from England, leaving some Christian culture. There existed temples which were the focal points for the fears and hopes of the poor and were used by both the Romans and the native deities.
This is the religion of the Muslims and has a large number of followers all over the world. It is the second to Christianity in Britain. It is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world today, though it is much misunderstood. Islam’s make up 12.4% of the Britain population.
It appeared in Britain in the 1066 CE and was later banned. It has rapidly grown and has a large number of followers in the world. It was the only non-Christian religion to have appeared in the historical records. It did not exist in Britain officially as there were an outright expulsion and official restrictions.
It originated from India. Hinduism is characterized a loving acceptance to life which has attracted many people to convert into Hinduism. They migrated to Britain in three waves. The number of Hindus in Britain has rapidly increased through birth or conversion from other faiths.
Sikhs migrated from India to Britain in search of jobs in the 1950’s. Sikhs in Britain have overcome many challenges to establish themselves in an often unfriendly and violent environment. These show how the minority; non-European religious traditions have been able making a lasting impact on post-war Britain.
Buddhism did not make it to Britain through migration. The growth was slow but has increased slowly.
Before the Romans invaded Britain, the Britons were pagans. They believed in different spirits and gods. The Romans were also pagans, but they did not believe in the same god as the Britons. They also paved ways of a new religion which overpowered the pagan ways of Britain’s. The Romans brought their religion states god which included Ju...
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