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Reconstruction of the South. History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

***Directions: In a complete essay answer the following questions using

specific examples that pertain to the topic. In order to get full credit you

must include multiple specific examples.

Why did the Reconstruction years bring about unprecedented levels of

political terror and violence? How did Reconstruction change the South?

How did it change for African Americans, Northern Businessmen and


Examples of specific evidence that could be used to address the topic of

the question:

• Three-Fifths Compromise (1787)

• Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)

• Abraham Lincoln

• Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

• Thirteenth Amendment (1865)

• Civil War

• Black Codes

• Freedmen’s Bureau

• Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan — encouraged states to

consider giving African Americans voting rights

• Civil Rights Act (1866) — direct response to Black Codes and the

Dred Scott decision

• Ku Klux Klan

• Reconstruction Act (1867)

• Jim Crow

• President Ulysses Grant

• Poll taxes/Grandfather clause/Literacy tests

• Civil Rights Act of 1875

• Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

• Radical Republicans

• Thaddeus Stevens

• Charles Sumner

• Segregation

• New South

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reconstruction of the South
Reconstruction of the South
Why did the Reconstruction years bring about unprecedented levels of political terror and violence?
Fear of change and white supremacism was still prevalent in the south during the reconstruction period. President Lincoln had freed slaves during the civil with the emancipation proclamation. The south states depended on slave labor and emancipation coupled by the paranoia of black supremacy led to many Democrats attempts to stifle the reconstruction programs of the south. The white supremacists and Democrats in the south unleashed violence against the black community leaders who championed the course to empower blacks and white Republicans who supported the congressional approach to the reconstruction of the south. During this period the Ku Klux Klan was formed, and it targeted the blacks and white Republicans.
How did Reconstruction change the South?
New rights and opportunities for the blacks- the African Americans enjoyed freedom for the first time, and every one of them hoped for a brighter future. Now slaves could go to school, marry legally, vote, own property, file lawsuits, and e...
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