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The Reconstruction Era. Freedom to the African Americans.

Essay Instructions:

Examples of specific evidence that could be used to address the topic of

the question:

• Three-Fifths Compromise (1787)

• Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)

• Abraham Lincoln

• Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

• Thirteenth Amendment (1865)

• Civil War

• Black Codes

• Freedmen’s Bureau

• Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan — encouraged states to

consider giving African Americans voting rights

• Civil Rights Act (1866) — direct response to Black Codes and the

Dred Scott decision

• Ku Klux Klan

• Reconstruction Act (1867)

• Jim Crow

• President Ulysses Grant

• Poll taxes/Grandfather clause/Literacy tests

• Civil Rights Act of 1875

• Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

• Radical Republicans

• Thaddeus Stevens

• Charles Sumner

• Segregation

• New South

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The Reconstruction Era
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The Reconstruction Era
The reconstruction years established an ambitious plan that aspired at bringing racial, socio-economic and political equality to the American people regardless of their race. The ambitious plan aimed at abolishing slavery, a status-quo deeply entrenched in the South. The proposed changed was unfavorable to many resulting into unprecedented havoc and political terror.
The era of reconstruction aimed to bring total freedom to the African Americans. The liberty was to be attained by abolishing slavery and bestowing citizenship and constitutional equality upon them (Blight, 2002). The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln secured freedom for the excess of 3.5 million African Americans in the ten rebellious southern states (National Archives, n.d.). The proclamation angered the white southerners who opted for violence. President Lincoln further pushed for the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment that declared freedom for all slaves and the abolition of slavery nationwide (Drexler, 2018). President Lincoln adopted moderate measures hoping to reunite the nation quickly and without violence.
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