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Progressive Era through the Great Depression

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 2: “Progressive Era through the Great Depression” Write a four to five (4-5) page paper on the period from the Progressive Era through the Great Depression.Your paper should cover the following: 1. Identify at least (2) two major historical turning points in the period under discussion. 2. Analyze the impact of the two (2) or more major historical turning points selected on America's current society, economy, politics, and culture. 3. Speculate as to why women earned the right to vote in the frontier states of the West before eastern and southern states. 4. Describe at least two (2) pieces of legislation in the Roosevelt–Taft–Wilson progressive era years that have influenced the conduct of business to this day and what that influence has been. 5. Explain the role that the Spanish American War played in America's development of an Empire. 6. Explain at least two (2) ways in which the boom and bust of the Roaring Twenties followed by the Great Depression affected the federal government's involvement in the national economy. 7. Include at least two (2) references (sources) other than the textbook. At least one (1) of your sources must be obtained from the collection of databases accessible from the Learning Resources Center Web page. Generic encyclopedic Internet resources such as Wikipedia or Answers.com will not be considered acceptable. Student note: Points one (1) and two (2) above are separate from the rest of the assignment.The paper should follow guidelines for clear and effectively organized writing: - The paper is well organized, and every explanation is both complete and easy to understand. - Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph for the paper. - Main ideas should be addressed in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. - Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. - The paper should be checked for spelling and grammatical errors. The format of the paper is to be as follows: - Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format. - In addition to the four to five (4-5) pages assigned, a title page with the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor's name, the course title, and the date is to be included, as well as a Reference Page. - Sources documented using APA style for in-text citations and listed on the References Page using APA style format.
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Progressive Era through the Great Depression
United State of America faced lots of problems as the 19th century drew to an end. Most of these problems were highly demanding and necessitated a quick solution. On one hand, America was deep in problems related to social and economic injustices. Yet again there was a struggle between labor and capital as the main economic stronghold of the time. The progressive era commenced towards the end of the 19th century and continued till 1917. The progressive era brought with it fresh ideas and liberal reforms that are present to date even if just in the books of history. The top most turning points in this era are founding of the American oil industry back in 1901. Secondly, in 1909, is the formation of the National Association of Colored People (Sage 2010).
Historical turning point
The birth of American oil industry took place in Texas. The Spindletop in Texas was discovered in 1901 at a salt dome adjacent to the Jefferson County. This discovery followed by drilling marked the beginning of growth of America`s national oil sector. The growth and development of the oil sector has brought about lots of impact in all aspects of the nation starting from political, social, economic, social and cultural impacts. In addition, the emergence of America as a political and economical superpower was greatly influenced by the growth of the oil industry (Sage 2010). The oil sector formed opened up lots of employment opportunities to the citizens of America. Over the years and even up to now, millions of people are employed directly or indirectly in the oil industry which is also a huge buyer of goods and services from other industries.
Furthermore, formation of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) instigated development of racial virtues and opinions in the US. The sole mission of NAACP back then and now is that there is equality of rights in terms of social, political, educational, and economic welfare of the people of America. It has been the goal of NAACP to alleviate discrimination as a result of an individual`s race. Women and racial rights were being constantly ignored during the Progressive era but this changed with the formation of the NAACP (Sage 2010). This made it possible the protection of the vulnerable citizens from racial discrimination by enforcing law against crime related to hate. The NAACCP also vouched for tolerance to diversity of races.
Women suffrage
The women from the Western frontier states earned their right to vote way before their counterparts from the states in the south and the east. This was as early as 1912. The Possibility of women to vote was a huge milestone in the political field of America (Gould 1974). This also changed the perception most Americans had on women including the women themselves. As the 19th century was coming to an end, the place of women in the society was at home performing duties related to bearing and raising children and taking care of home chores. On the other hand, men`s duties were to bring food to the table. The men from the eastern state had a false ideology that related the right of women to vote to degradation of moral ethics in the society. According to these men, women suffrage will lead to cases of divorce and even worse ...
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