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Organization of Unions: The Same Wages and Benefits

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Choice #1: Organization of Unions 
This is a two-part assignment where you are expected to address Parts 1 and 2 in one well-written essay.
Part 1:
Explain and respond to the following statement: “It is not the union that organizes the employees; it is management.” In your essay, craft responses that a union organizer might make to some of the following statements from the Labor Relations in Action feature shown below:
Labor Relations in Action 
Objections to Joining the Union
•"Why should I join the union when I get exactly the same wages and benefits without joining?"
•"I can't afford to join. I've got a family to support, and my check just isn't big enough (to cover union dues)."
•"I don't need a union. My employer is fair and will take care of me. What could the union get for me that I wouldn't have gotten anyway?"
•"The union does not do anything for you [grievances are not settled satisfactorily]. I don't like the people who are running things in the union."
•"I don't know enough about the local or the union movement."
•"I'm not interested. I just don't want to join."
•"I'll think about it. Maybe I'll join someday."
Source: Organizing Committee, AFSCME Council 24, WSEU, 5 Odana Court, Madison, Wisconsin.
Part 2:
In light of your response to the first part of this assignment, critically evaluate the arguments for and against the Employee Free Choice Act and the Mandatory Secret Ballot Protection Act. How would you vote? Provide your reasons.
Your paper should be four to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title or reference pages), adhere to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, and include a minimum of three credible sources (which can include the course readings). The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find this information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organization of Unions
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Organization of Unions
“Unions are groups of working people who join to talk to employers about wages and other working conditions instead of workers talking to employers on an individual basis.” They represent all workers giving them the ability to get better deals for all workers than an individual employee could by directly negotiating with the employer. However, the success of the unions depends on its own management. How its management organizes the workers to come together and voice the grievances as a group. Without better management, the employees will move out of the unions and others may not join them.
Mobilizing workers to join the unions is faced with many challenges especially from the workers. They have many objections and reasons as to why they do not want to join the unions. According to the Labor Relations in Action, there are some objections that all union organizers get from the employees who they want to join there union. Without proper responses to these objections, the union organizers may lose the members. The following are some of the objections and possible responses that the organizers can use to mobilize the workers (Holley, Jennings, & Wolters, 2011).
“Why should I join the union when I get exactly the same wages and benefits without joining?”
Possible Responses:
* “You are right, we all get the same, but don’t you think we could be getting much more if all nonmembers join? Don’t you want more gains? We can win those gains only if we more of us desire them and are willing to work together.”
* “If all of us could have been having the same perceptions of yours, there could have been no union to bargain for us or represent our grievances to our employers. If you remain a nonmember for long, it will be difficult for the union to fight for your rights.”
* “Remaining to be a nonmember indicates that you are on the side of the employer in the bargaining table. You agree with the employer that the demands the union tables are irrelevant and you do not deserve any improvements in working conditions or wages. Based on this you may want to join the union and help us champion our grievances than being seen us a traitor who is against better improvements.”
“I can’t afford to join. I’ve got a family to support, and my check just isn’t big enough (to cover union dues).”
Possible Responses:
* “You can’t afford to join but you can’t also afford not to belong. Being a member doesn’t cost but it pays in terms of improved working conditions, job security and other benefits.”
* “Since you have a family to support, you owe it and being a union member you will be assured of improved wages and other benefits. Your family will also benefit from this.”
“I don’t need a union. My employer is fair and will take care of me. What could the union get for me that I wouldn’t have gotten anyway?’
Possible Responses:
* “Your working place is good, thanks to the union that played a critical role in making it good. But this does not mean that we ca...
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