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Technology, Immigration Efforts, and Industrialization

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Following the events of the civil war, the United States economy was significant in terms of growth. The main reasons for the economic development included expansion in technology, immigration efforts, and resultant industrialization. On one side, the positive aspects notable were industry growth, transport development as well as augmented life changes in the society. It made the US be the most advanced superpower, which, has been significant to date. From the proceeds of the same development, there were issues that arose like the health concerns due to population increases. Between the years 1865 to 1920 the effects cuts on political, economic and social systems were of importance to the industrialization realization in America. In addition, issues such as gender, race, ethnicity and child labor are all of significance for better analysis.
After the civil war, the American society faced changes across the board. Despite the apparent effects witnessed with the industrialization impact, the consolidation of culture, composition and setup were changed. In the first instance, various groups were affected by the incorporation of immigrants into the country. The protection of rights and constitutional powers and privileges had to be respected by all the citizens. The above included all efforts in making all people equal despite the issues like ethnicity, race, and gender (Smith, 2011). All Americans had to learn how to live with each other, even after the struggles of the civil war. The law enforcers and regulators had to approach all issues in the society with sobriety. The process took shape within the framework of even former slaves and workers in the plantations. They became free citizens in the society, without any added pressure of fulfilling unwanted duties, facing oppression and being on the lookout. The majority of the natives had to accept the changes and live with them.
The American society was affected by issues such as race, ethnicity, gender and dimensions like child labor. On matters ethnicity, America became a cosmopolitan society inclusive of the natives, white majority as well as immigrants. Industrialization made transportation easier and as such, the influx of different ethnic groups was rampant. Living, association, communication and governance had to be implemented with the reality of the same. Smith (2011) argues that gender inequality was notable as more women were able to get employment and contribute to the economic standings of the families up to the national level. As work was readily available, new facets like child labor faced the American society. Since adults required labor standards and higher wages, it was easier to acquire child labor while minimizing costs. Facing such rogue employers in the community became a constant source of conflict as expansion was required at a faster pace. Industrialization needed proper regulations on the worker terms and as such child labor was preferred despite the legal ramifications that followed.
The most significant beneficiary from industrialization in the US between 1865 and 1920 was the economic front. As agriculture and technology were at the forefront of all progress made on a national level, it translated to all other life concerns in the society. There became the providence of new, cheaper as well as the easily accessible consumer goods, products and services all around. One of the significant contributions in the process was the growth of steel and iron industries. The translation of drastic...
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