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Corrupt Political Leaders (Machine Bosses) Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

William M "Boss" Tweed- describe how he came to power, how he maintained that power, and his subsequent fall from power. In addition be sure to reference which groups and individuals were helped or hurt by this political machine. NO online encyclopedias. Must show both citations and bibliography.

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Corrupt Political Leaders (Machine Bosses)
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Corrupt Political Leaders (Machine Bosses)
Industrialization attracted immigrants to move to bigger cities hoping to obtain factory jobs. Industrial revolution resulted in increased demands for services changing the political environment. Political machine was a system used to command votes and maintain political and administrative control of bigger cities making it a norm of municipal politics. Even though political machines provided the required services to their constituents, most of these groups were established to benefit a few individuals. Political machines are organized groups of dishonest politicians with the aim of getting their candidates elected to the top government jobs. Once in control of the government resources, they enriched themselves through corrupt practices (Broxmeyer, 2015). William Tweed is among politicians who operated a political group that controlled the New York City from 1860 until 1872. This essay describes how William Tweed came to power, how he maintained power and his subsequent fall from power. The paper further explains individuals who benefited from Tweed leadership in New York City and some of the people he hurt by this political machine.
The Society of Saint Tammany
William Tweed was a member of the Tammany Hall, a political organization that existed for two centuries in New York. Tammany Hall was founded in 1789 as a benevolent organization by tradesmen, who could not join exclusive clubs meant for wealthy individuals in America (Golway, 2014). Tammany Hall with time became a political force in New York in 1789 having similar structure like the executive committee of the local Democratic Party. During this period, immigrants came to New York hoping to work in factories. Tammany assisted immigrants with basic commodities like food shelter and casual jobs. Tweed took advantage of the support from immigrant population to turn the organization into a political machine that facilitated his personal agendas. Tammany Hall became the Democratic Party's political machine used to control the city's activities. The organization power declined during Mayor Fiorello La Guardia in 1934 and further became extinct when John Lindsay took office in 1996 (Golway, 2014).
How William Tweed Came To Power
William Boss Tweed became an influential figure in 1840 when he was a volunteer firefighter and an alderman (Galvis et al., 2016). William became the focal person because of his active participation in state and local affairs giving him immense power. To win any elective position, the political machines depended on votes from immigrants. Tweed had the support of all city neighborhoods because he assisted them with shelter, food, and jobs. Immigrants voted for William to return the favor.
Tweed took advantage of the fact that the city's infrastructure required an upgrade, including parks, sewers, docks and other construction projects. The construction projects offered Tweed ample opportunity to influence individuals in charge through bribery. Tweed managed to manipulate small groups of individuals who controlled New York City's finances to advance his corrupt practices. He demanded bribes from business contracted to do city jobs like paving roads and colluded with his allies to steal billions of dollars from the city bank accounts (Galvis et al., 2016).
Tweed demanded kickbacks from contractors, using connections, he obtained important information about the city's construction plans to demand bribes from contractors. During the construction of Brooklyn Bridge, Tweed demands included being paid large sums of money to approve the plan and being made one of the co-owners of the company. In 1869 Tweed became very influential using his money to secure votes making him the governor of New York City (Galvis et al., 2016).
How Tweed Maintained Power and His Subsequent Fall from Power
Tweed maintained power by rewarding his supporters and profiting from several corrupt business contracts within the city. Tweed demanded kickbacks from companies to receive any business contract; he also forced companies to inflate prices to provide a portion of its profit to Tweed and his close associates (Broxmeyer, 2015).
He used Irish, Dutch and Scottish gangs during election time to intimidate voters. In return, he ensured that his supporters received jobs and any other government assistance from the city government. William Tweed maintained power by ...
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