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World War I: Franz Ferdinand, Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism

Essay Instructions:

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. But the events that led to the Great War go further back into the nineteenth century. As with the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism all played a part.
Analyze how the forces of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I. Pay particular attention to the rise of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe and the corresponding rise of nationalism in German-speaking states. Analyze how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.
Then analyze the events that drew the United States into World War I. Clearly discuss why America first remained neutral between1914-1917. What role did ethnicity play in America’s neutrality? Then identify and analyze the specific events that led to America’s entrance into the war. Evaluate America’s contribution to the war effort and to what extent America’s entry contributed to the end of the war. Finally, analyze the events that led to the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles. What effect did this have on America’s role in the world during the 1920s and 1930s? Pay particular attention to the role of President Woodrow Wilson both during and after the war, in particular, his efforts to establish the League of Nations.

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World War I
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Franz Ferdinand was the successorpresumptive to the Austro-Hungarian Empireand was assassinated in the year 1914, when hewas visiting the capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo. The assassination was linked to the political goal of splitting Southern Slav regionsin order to be merged into Yugoslavia. After the murder, the Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia, which led to major European powers joining the war. Germany supported Austria-Hungary, while Russia, Belgium, France, and Great Britain supported Serbia (American history, 2011).The Boxer rebellion was a secret Chinese group. The boxers killed foreigner people, Christians and ruinedalien property. Moreover, the boxers blocked the alienregion of Beijing, until an intercontinental force restrained the rebellion. Consequently, the boxer rebellion ended after signing of the Boxer protocol in 1901 (American history, 2011).
Nationalism resulted to pride among citizens of several nations by advancing a sense that specific nations were superior to others and offered people thenotion that they would win any war.During the nineteenth century nations strived to be the greatest nation both economically and military. Nationalism created violent rivalry and antagonism among Europe’s nations.Germany was integrated in 1871, because of the Franco-Prussian War, and attained greater economic and military power in Europe. Germany formed several peaceful alliances to maintain its supremacy in Europe;however, the extension of the Germany alliance to several nations of the world resulted in disagreement with all other major powers of Europe except for Austria-Hungary (American history, 2011).
Imperialism is a system where the powerful nations use diplomacy and military force to control and exploit the colonies. Britain and France possession of many colonies resulted to rivalry with Germany that commenced the ambition of acquiring colonies late. The scramble for colonies in Africa stimulated rivalry and numerous diplomatic incidents. The incidents include when Paris wanted to establish a colony in Morocco, but opposed by the German Kaiser. Moreover, another crisis exploded when the French were trying to restrain the uprising in Morocco, the German invaded the Morocco harbor with an armed vessel, which led France and Germany to the point of war. In addition, the decline of imperial power and the Ottoman Empire affected the stability of power in Europe (Weinrib, 2016). The Austria-Hungary had ambitions of expanding into the Balkans; Russia blocked Austria expansion by possessing access to the Black Sea. Moreover, Britain and France also had colonial and business interest in the region. The interests of powers of Europe into the Balkan sphere resulted to tensions and rivalry.
In nineteenth century, there was increased military power on policy formulation in Germany and Russia. The legislature had no say in the army design. Between the years 1910 to 1914, nations increased their military expenditure. Britain raised its expenditure by 13 percent, Russia by 39 percent, France by 10 percent, while Germany raised by 73 percent. The continental European powers adopted the conscription system (Weinrib, 2016). The conscription system legally requires people to join the defense force when military require people and volunteers are not enough. Britain and Germany were the main competitors in the naval race. Germany increased its battleship and built nine dreadnoughts, while Britain built eighteen dreadnoughts.
Italy was not powerful, but had big territorial goals. The Italy interest to Tunis and Tripoli in Africa led to conflict with France that regarded Tunis as its sphere of influence, since it was adjacent to Algeria, the French colony. France was among the dominant power in Europe. France lost two of its provinces after conceding defeat from Germany. Subsequently, France had ambitions of recovering the two provinces from Germany, acquire overseas colonies, and form alliances with other power in Europe (American history, 2011).
Rise of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe
Pan-Slavian suggested that all slavall over had familiar traditions and customs. The chiefSlav power Russia was relied by the other slavesfor security against Austria and Ottoman Turkey. However, failure of Russia to provide protection during the Bosnia crisis resulted to loss of Russia dominance compared to Austria and other European powers. This led to Russia to support Serbia slaves during the 1914 crisis to reclaim its dominance (Tooze, 2014).
Rise of nationalism in German-speaking states
The German nationalism was based in Prussia totalitarianism and was conventional, against catholic religion, and against communism. The German followers backed their country based upon Prussian and Protestant enrichingsupremacy. Moreover, the German nationalists, especially in Austrian supported stronger desir...
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