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“The Only Man Barred Out” Cartoon Analysis

Essay Instructions:

The purposes of this assignment are to foster a deeper understanding of the historian’s craft and to hone critical analysis skills using primary sources that are not necessarily text-based. Select ONE of the primary source items (available ONLY on Blackboard) and craft an essay in which you dissect its meaning and significance. If you are already familiar with the specific non-text source (you can identify the specific artist, for example), pick another source. This assignment is an exercise, not a report. To complete the exercise, try to answer the following questions:

First, identify and summarize the source (approximately 1-2 pages). Try to answer the following questions.

Who created it? (Not just a name, what is this person’s background? Is he or she rich or poor? Egyptian? Italian? Male or female? Etc. Why is this significant? Do we even KNOW who the creator is? If not, why might this be important?) Perhaps ask, instead, what sort of person would have created this? If you identify the creator by name, be prepared to justify this claim with evidence!!!
What type of object is the source? Consider the intended audience (e. g. public or private, educated elite or “for the masses,” etc.)
BRIEFLY describe the source. For example, if it is a painting, what is happening in the painting? If it is a work of architecture, what are its characteristics?
Second, analyze and contextualize the source (approximately 1-2 pages). Use the following questions to guide your analysis.

In what historical context was it created? (What is going on at the time? Location?) What assumptions are made by the creator about the events or ideas of the time?
Expand upon the role of the audience of the source. How do you think they would have reacted to this source?
What was the creator’s motive? (WHY did the author choose make this item?)
What purpose did it serve? (Think short term effects.) What was the impact? (Think long term effects.) Were there any unintended consequences?
How is this source useful to historians? (This might be the most important question to try to answer!!!)

These questions are suggestions. Depending on which source you select, some of these questions might be impossible to answer. Treat this assignment like a detective looking at a clue. You are not supposed to be able to know many specific details about the object. This is not a research paper. Most of these questions can be answered using your own interpretation of the work and what you have learned from class (and from your textbook). Feel free to speculate (and, thus, demonstrate your critical thinking abilities). IF YOU CONSULT AN OUTSIDE SOURCE, YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT THE ASSIGNMENT ASKS YOU TO DO!!! I am most interested in seeing how you apply critical thinking in your analysis. Back up your claims using evidence such as quotations from the primary source. Be certain to connect the source (or your argument) to SPECIFIC COURSE MATERIAL. Do this citing a specific page in the reading or a specific class meeting.

Your choices of sources can be found on Blackboard under “Paper Options.”

 ALL sources that you consult MUST BE CITED in your paper using MLA format. This means that a parenthetical citation must be made whenever researched material is presented. This parenthetical citation must correspond to the complete bibliographical entry on your Works Cited page. For the purposes of this class, the only sources that you may consult are the textbooks, the class lectures, and the sources, themselves. DO NOT CONSULT ANY OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES!!! These are not research papers. They are analysis papers. You are expected to analyze the sources using your brain and course material. That is all that you need. If you present information that is obtained from other sources, YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT THE ASSIGNMENT ASKS YOU TO DO!!!

To be clear, all papers must contain at least two citations: the source you are examining and the course material that you reference. Otherwise, there is no way to earn the points for citation. Any paper that contains a Works Cited page but no in-text citations will receive zero points for the Works Cited page. For guidance on citation procedures and format, please consult the paper writing aids included in your reader.

Your paper should be 2-4 pages in length, typed, double spaced, and in 12-point Calibri, Times New Roman, or Courier New font with 1” margins. There should be no breaks between paragraphs (just an indentation). All papers must be in MLA format. Points will be deducted if a paper does not fit the format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Institutional Affiliation Course Title/Code Instructor Date “The Only Man Barred Out” Cartoon Analysis “The Only Man Barred Out” is a political cartoon published on April 1, 1882 in Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper, volume 54, p.96 and is in the public domain. The artwork is significant as it portrays the anti-Chinese movement after the 1870s (Rutgers University Community Library np). While Chinese immigration during the California Gold Rush was welcomed, the United States began experiencing increased resistance against the Chinese, beginning from California and spreading throughout the entire state. The resistance was drove by an economic depression in the United States and a general belief that the Chinese immigrants, refereed as “coolies” earned wages that undermined the standards of living of the whites. Additionally, supporters of Chinese migration and anti-Chinese movements accused the Chinese of belonging to a “heathen” and “barbaric” race that promised to bring disease, pernicious cultural practices, and drugs to the United States. Through the introduction of the Page Act, Congress significantly prevented the Chinese women from entering the United States by demanding them to obtain visas from American consular offices in Hong Kong before departure. Officials at American consular saw Chinese women as prostitutes and thus introducing “immoral’ threats in the United States. Consequently, most of the Chinese immigrants to the United States were male in the nineteenth century. This decision was in support from both the Democratic and Republican parties who restricted Chinese immigration in the country. The Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, barring the Chinese laborers from making entry to the United States, although students and merchants were excluded. Earlier in 1870, Congress had passed the Naturalization Act that extended citizenship to African Americans, but denied all Asian immigrants the naturalization rights. The 1892 Geary Act saw the renewal of the Exclusion Act and included the legal requirement that Chinese immigrants have to register with the government and at all times carry a photographic identification to prove their rights to be in the country. This act affected Chinese citizens born in the United States as well as the Chinese immigrants. The Chinese Exclusion continued until 1943 and was fully abolished in 1965 (Rutgers University Community Library np). During this time, the Chinese immigrants established an array of tactics to circumvent what they thought was discriminatory treatment. The developed a trick of entering the United States as exempted merchants and “paper” sons and daughters to the already confirmed Chinese citizens in the United States. Other Chinese immigrant managed t...
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