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Impacts of Texts, Films, and Artworks on Societal Culture and Social Life

Essay Instructions:

Part I. Answer either B in 2-3 paragraphs. [40 pts]

B. What impact have the texts, films, and art works we have read, looked at, studied and discussed had on Western culture in general, and French culture in particular?

Part II. Answer all of the following [60 pts] Your responses should be one or – at most – two paragraphs

E. What is the significance of Descartes’ experiment with the piece of wax?

G. Why was Molière’s The Bourgeouis Gentleman considered an uproarious comedy when it was performed for the King and his court?

the file is the resource for part one

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Films, Texts and Artwork
Institutional Affiliation
Part I b
Text, film, and artwork have shaped the western society by instilling values, altering opinions and translating knowledge and skills across space and time. According to the research, the artwork has an effect on the basic sense of an individual. All forms of music, painting, sculpture, aspects of literature and other forms of artwork are always considered to be the depository of society’s combined memory. All these aspects have great impacts on societal culture and social life as well. Therefore, Artwork is a form of communication that drives social change among people as it adds voice to politics and social disfranchise.
Generally, artwork and film have had a tremendous influence on western culture. For instance, in the education sector, there is a positive correlation between student’s performance and their great involvement in film and artwork like drama and music festival. Most countries in Europe such as United Kingdom have experienced this effect in education because the art and film works are more beneficial to the artists involved. In Europe, films, texts and artwork has fostered the development of wholesome individual needs. Also, it has established economic relevance since majority of the artists earn a living throgh art and film woek. This has greatly improved the lives of most artists across the continent of Europe.
In countries like Greece, objects are fashioned and painted with the aim of creating aesthetic value and impression that inspires viewers and artists. Its idea is to provoke emotional transformation in people as well as understand their perception towards certain things. Most artists in Spain use different artwork like painting and sculpture to express their ideas on different culture. They have different styles of making art and different ways of expressing their mind in different circumstances. Besides, the films acted in western countries have been used to advocate for a change in perception on people of other races. Alternatively, it has been used to condemn vices in society and advocate for good moral. Moreover, western texts and films have taken a forefront to challenge their countries against neocolonialism and racism as evidenced in Italy and Belgium.
Furthermore, texts, art and films have played a vital role in shaping the culture of the French nationals. Most films have been campaigning against racism and human trafficking which was very dominant in France. Through various artistic expressions on equality among human beings, French is now a cosmopolitan state with people from all over the world. Besides, the country is now taken strides far beyond other state due to people’s preference to visit it. More so, these ideas have been incorporated into people’s way of life. In addition, the carving has been used in French politics to address public opinion ...
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