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Negative Effects of Double Burden to Women

Essay Instructions:

M4 Reading and Writing Assignment Due April 10

Due: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 11:59 PM

Read the "Key Concepts" for Module 4. Review the “Providing Unpaid Household and Care Work in the United States: Uncovering Inequality,” by Cynthia Hess, Tamnina Ahmed, and Jeff Hayes, Institute for women’s Policy Research Briefing Paper (January 2020), and read the New York Times May 8, 2020 Opinion Essay “Forget Pancakes, Pay Women.” Write a 5 page doubled-spaced essay (1000-1500 words) Explain how the "double burden" or responsibility for completing a ‘second shift’ of unpaid domestic work in the home after working for wages outside the home was a "historic" problem for the World War II era "Rosies", and whether you think this is a continuing ‘problem’ for U.S. women workers. If so, how does the "double shift/ double burden" affect women’s lives? If not, explain your response. You might want to explain your own experience with the ‘double burden’, too. Is this something that you have personally experienced, or that your mother has experienced?

Be sure to use some of the language/terms we are learning in the "Key Concepts" that introduce this module 4 in your analysis! an when you are including quotes or other specific information from the assigned readings in your essays [and you should be doing this!!] include a brief reference following the quote or the specific information you want to reference by including the author's name and page number in parentheses following the quote. Examples: (Hess. Ahmend, Hayes, p. 2 ; Kessler-Harris, p. 250; Brooks editorial; )

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Double Burden
Student's Name
Double Burden
The "double burden" or responsibility for completing a 'second shift' of unpaid domestic work in the home after working for wages outside the home was a "historical" problem for the World War II-era "Rosies." The "double burden" meant that women had to work both inside and outside the home, and often their work outside the home was unpaid. This double burden resulted from the historical gender roles that assigned women to the private sphere of the home and men to the public sphere of work. These roles were reinforced by the ideology of separate spheres, which held that women and men were fundamentally different and that their proper place was in various spheres of activity. The "double burden" was a significant contributor to gender inequality today.
The double burden had some negative effects on women's lives. First, it led to fatigue and burnout. Working a full-time job and then coming home to a second job of taking care of the home and family can be exhausting. During World War II, the increased demand for labor in the war effort increased. Many women left their homes and jobs to work in factories, but they still had to complete all the domestic work in their homes. Women were often seen as being responsible for the domestic work in the house, and their work outside the home was often seen as being secondary. The Institute for Women's Policy Research analysis states, "Women do nearly two hours of unpaid household and care work more per day than men" (Hess et al., 2020, p. 5). Besides their routine paid work, women's extra hours lead to fatigue and burnout.
Equally, the double burden led to a lack of time for self-care for women. When women constantly work and take care of others, they often do not have time to care for themselves. It can lead to physical and mental health problems. According to Kin Brooks (2020, p. 5), "Whether you're a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher or a chief executive, if you're a mother, your relationship to your children and your home has taken center stage in this crisis." The statement explains the magnitude by which the double burden affects women.
Similarly, the double burden led to financial problems. Women working two jobs often do not have time to earn extra income, leading to difficulty making ends meet. Rosie's schedules were relatively rigid and did not give flexibility. According to Kossesk, "Jobs that provide little flexibility in work hours and limited control over one's work schedule and location add to the stress for workers with caregiving responsibilities." (Hess et al., 2020, p. 9). Therefore, the women cannot make time to work part-time jobs that will help them boost their income. Kim Brooks states, "In our country, staying home to raise children is one of the most devastating financial decisions a woman can make. Without any sort of child care system in place, it's often not a choice at all" (p. 2).
Finally, women had to deal with balancing work and family commitments. For example, women who worked full-time jobs and had to take care of the house and children had to juggle their work commitments and family responsibilities. The juggling act led to problems in their work-life as the Rossies had to juggle between their work commitments and their family responsibilities. According to Hess et al. (2020, p. 10), "The juggling act that mothers must perform, for example, to care for children and earn a living, tends to increase their stress and fatigue, which may, in turn, affect their productivity, commitment, and satisfaction at work."
Today, the double burden is still a problem for many women workers. In addition to paid work, women are often responsible for most domestic work, such as cooking, cleaning, and...
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