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Exploitation of Women: Slavery, Wartime Workforce, and Rights at Work

Essay Instructions:

Labor and Work in America before 1877 Spring 2022

Second Assignment

As we have seen throughout the course, exploitation and labor are often inextricably connected. And, we have learned that this exploitation does not apply equally across race, class, ethnicity or gender. Considering that we’ve just concluded the celebration of Women’s History Month, it would be helpful for us to focus on women’s contributions to this course. With that in mind, your task is to write an essay analyzing the ways in which women have labored in this course and the ways in which they have they been uniquely exploited because of their gender. Think about free women, unfree women, Black and white, working in and outside of the home, paid and unpaid, paying particular attention to the second half of the course.

You should plan to write a cohesive, formal essay, 1300 to 1600 words (this is about four to five pages), in which you develop an argument and advance it through making points and using evidence to back them up.

The formatting is the usual – double-spaced, standard margins, normal sized font (11 or 12 point, depending on which you choose) and so on.

Do not use or consult outside sources for this assignment. You should only be referencing class materials – the textbook, the “Women and work” set of documents on Canvas, and whatever we may cover in class. You do not need to use all the documents, but you should use some of them, along with the textbook and lecture material. The best papers tend to blend together a variety of different types of sources, making for a stronger case. You will have all the information you need to write an outstanding essay.

Please refer to the citation guide on Canvas for how to cite your sources. All essays must have citations. Those with none or very few will earn a failing grade. Since you will all be using the same sources, there is no need for a works cited page.

Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report it.

The first draft is due on Canvas by 5:40 PM on Wednesday, April 13, and it should be a full draft, in the vicinity of 1300 to 1600 words.

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Labor and Exploitation of Women
Exploitation and labor are often inextricably connected and have been so since the colonization of the Americas. Historically, labor in the United States began as free from slavery and made a gradual change to waged labor, where exploitation began among certain social groups. The exploitation does not apply equally across races, classes, and gender. For example, slavery entailed exploiting enslaved African Americans who worked for the white masters. Additionally, women are often the most exploited gender across all races due to such systemic problems as lower wages as compared to men. The focus of this essay is to explore labor issues surrounding women and makes an argument that women have been uniquely exploited due to their gender. To achieve this objective, the essay will explore some core themes within the reading materials and derive examples of women's exploitation. These themes include slavery, wartime workforce, and women's rights at work.
Slavery lasted for several decades in the United States until it was abolished after the American civil war. Slavery remains one of the most controversial subjects since it is evil and violates fundamental human rights. Most importantly, as it is known today, America will always be defined by slavery since the enslaved people built America in a literal sense. In this case, such historical events as the Civil War show how racial gaps were perceived and lines drawn between the whites and the blacks. Many people opposed the abolition of slavery, as expressed in Samuel Cox's speech in congress, where he argued that the blacks would become unequal to the whites and the two different societies could not succeed equally in the same society (Condemning Emancipation 291). The need to look at slavery emanates from the fact that it forms a broader definition of labor and exploitation across races. Therefore, all blacks were forced into labor, and this included women who worked for the plantation and mines owners. During the early years, most of the white population owned property that required the use of labor. The whites often worked as enslavers or foremen, which illustrated the privileged positions of the whites.
Additionally, the theme of slavery helps to make the comparison between free and unfree and paid and unpaid. In this case, the generalization of both populations makes it possible to illustrate that black women were enslaved people forced into offering unpaid labor. On the contrary, the white women were free people and were not engaged in unpaid labor. In later years, especially after the Civil War, the cases of white women joining the labor force emerged and were paid work. In essence, the main argument is that black women engaged in unpaid labor while white women were never subjected to the same treatment. Additionally, white women were free and black women were unfree. One aspect not highlighted in the current materials is that women mainly worked at home doing domestic chores. The white women were often the masters who mostly never worked, even in paid labor.
Women and Wartime Workforce
The Civil War is particularly important in this discussion, considering that it marked a time when women properly entered the workforce since men mainly were concentrating on the war efforts. In this case, the assumption is that white women started working as the white men were recruited into armies across both the Northern Union and the Southern confederate. Additionally, wartime also marked an era where immigrant labor was increasingly used, which meant that women across all races entered industries to substitute the men. In this case, it can be argued that the African American women had to take up new roles different from the unpaid domestic work they did before the war. In the Northern firms, women took over most of the work (Who Built America Chapter Eleven 559-560). Additionally, armories and factories also started recruiting women, which presents an interesting scenario for exploring labor and exploitation of women across the races.
One of the significant observations was the fact that most white women were more educated than the blacks and immigrants. In the factories, women were employed for such roles as sewing, jobs that were characterized by poor working conditions. These posts were also filled with poor and working-class women who were single, widowed, or immigrants. At the same time, new positions opened up for the well-educated native-born white women, including government clerical work, teaching, and retail sales (Who Built America Chapter Eleven 560...
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