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Major Historical Themes
Essay Instructions:
For this essay, analyze the following primary sources. DO NOT use any external sources:
Slavery in the 1800s
American Yawp Reader, George Fitzhugh Argues that Slavery Is Better than Liberty and Equality, 1854
American Yawp Reader, Harriet Jacobs on Rape and Slavery, 1860
Write a 600-word essay (about 2 pages, double spaced) analyzing at least two primary sources. Develop a thesis that addresses major historical themes present in the documents. Avoid merely summarizing the documents or writing a “laundry list” of comparisons and contrasts.
Support your essay’s thesis by presenting at least four pieces of specific evidence from the primary sources, quoted and cited appropriately. You may paraphrase additional information from the sources, but remember to cite paraphrased information, too. Use simple parenthetical citations featuring the author’s last name and the appropriate page number, if available; example: (Finney).
Format your essays as follows:
12 pt Times New Roman font
one-inch margins all around
double spaced
no bibliography
write your name and final word count at the top of the page on the left side give your essay a title that encapsulates your thesis
Your essays should be organized and free of awkward sentences and grammatical errors.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Slavery's Moral Divide: Contrasting Perspectives of Fitzhugh and Jacobs
Student’s Name
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Submission Date
Word Count: 638
In analyzing the opposing viewpoints on slavery come from George Fitzhugh in Sociology for the South (1854) and Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1860), one can get deep insights into aspects of racial oppression, themes of liberty, and human rights are delved into. Fitzhugh's argument is an attempt to legitimize slavery in terms of a paternalistic system that is beneficial both to the enslaver and the enslaved, as it provides stability and protection to those he considers incapable of sustaining themselves. Jacobs, on the other hand, gives a horrific personal account of the cruelty and abuse that is entailed in the institution of slavery and, more importantly, focuses on the sexual exploitation that enslaved women have to face. Slavery exposed this deep moral and ethical chasm within the institution through contrasting views such as those of George Fitzhugh and Harriet Jacobs, offering, respectively, the paternalistic view of slavery as benevolent and the cruelty it bestowed singularly on enslaved women. The contrasting views of George Fitzhugh and Harriet Jacobs reveal the moral divide over slavery, with Fitzhugh defending it as benevolent and Jacobs exposing its inherent cruelty and abuse.
In Fitzhugh's defense of slavery, he argues that "liberty and equality have not conduced to enhance the comfort or happiness of the pe...
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