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Natural Disaster Events Essay - Over Texas Hurricane Harvey
Essay Instructions:
Culminating Project:
Natural Disaster Events Essay
Essay Directions and Requirements:
Select a topic of interest from the list of Declared Disasters in the United States during your lifetime (according to FEMA)
In your essay, explain the event in detail. Use the reflection questions below as your guide to explore the topic deeply.
How did this natural disaster occur, and explain using knowledge from the course (this may be one of your cited sources)?
What was the extent of damage, including data that overviews emergency response calls, medical reports, financial burdens, etc.?
How does the human race prepare for such future events and overcome the challenge(s)?
How has it affected you and your family personally (if applicable), and/or what have you learned from this event?
Include at least 3 credible references in your essay.
You may use as one resource and can find credible resources on Google Scholar, any news journal, .net, or .org site. Please refrain from Wikipedia, .com, or blog sites, as this information may not always be accurate. These articles have not been peer-reviewed for accuracy.
Please CITE YOUR SOURCES WITHIN YOUR ESSAY when using direct quotes, statistics, or facts. Use no more than two direct quotations in your essay; all other information should be paraphrased in your own words.
Formatting Requirements:
Include a cover page with a title (does not count towards the 3-5 pages)
3-5 pages in length (12-pt font and double-spaced). Include an introduction and a formal conclusion paragraph.
Include a final Reference page that does not count towards your 3-5 pages.
Must use APA formatting, especially when citing references
Resources for Support in Writing Your Essay:
Please check out for a complimentary account and "Essay Drop-Off Review." Also, check out the TAMU-C Writing Center to schedule 1:1 time with a writing consultant and for more information on APA style formatting. https://www(dot)tamuc(dot)edu/writing-center/
Always spell-check and use correct grammar. I recommend to help you proofread along the way.
This essay is linked to Turnitin and will be checked for plagiarism. Your essay will need to be in your own paraphrased words. IF YOUR SCORE IS ABOVE 25% OF COPIED MATERIAL, POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED.
This assignment will count 20% of your total weighted average for your final grade.
Please email your Instructor right away with specific questions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hurricane Harvey: A Catastrophic Natural Disaster
Student Name
In August 2017, Hurricane Harvey was one of the most devastating natural disasters in recent history, and it hit Texas and Louisiana; this impact is still felt to this day. Harvey made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, unleashing catastrophic flooding and overwhelming wind damage on millions of people and flattening much of the region. Combined with urban planning shortfalls, the unprecedented rainfall of the storm (greater than 60 inches in some areas) and under-preparedness were a recipe for disaster. An examination of the causes of the storm, the scope of its human and economic damage, and the response efforts uncover lessons for the future in dealing with natural disasters. Hurricane Harvey is an example of the urgency to build better infrastructure, preemptive urban planning, and adapt to climate to avert the damage caused by the growing severity of weather events.
How Did Hurricane Harvey Occur?
In early August 2017, Hurricane Harvey was spawned from a tropical wave over the coast of Africa. Already strong, the storm system intensified slowly over the North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico as warm waters over 85 degrees Fahrenheit—a critical threshold for hurricane development—pushed higher. Harvey received this heat to become a Category 4 hurricane (FEMA n.d.) and rapidly intensified by August 24. Low wind shear allowed the storm to maintain its shape as it neared the Texas coast.
Sustained winds of 130 mph made Harvey landfall near Rockport, Texas, on August 25, 2017. Harvey was destructive because it stalled so long over southeastern Texas, dumping record rainfall over days. In some parts, rainfall totals topped 60 inches, a record for a storm in U.S. history. The storm's slow movement was caused by a high-pressure system blocking Harvey from spreading or dissipating into the ocean.
Extent of Damage
The impact of Hurricane Harvey was far-reaching and multifaceted, affecting millions of lives. Below are some critical dimensions of the damage:
Human Impact:
1 The storm produced more than 30,000 emergency calls at its peak.
2 Harvey was responsible for at least 107 direct deaths, mostly drowning in floodwaters.
3 The storm displaced more than 300,000 residents, and 42,000 moved to shelters (n.d.: FEMA).
Economic and Financial Burden:
4 Hurricane Harvey cost more than $125 billion, making it the second costliest natural disaster in U.S. history -- behind Hurricane Katrina.
5 More than 204,000 homes were damaged or destroyed; many were outside the designated floodplain and did not have flood insurance (FEMA, n.d.).
6 Billions of dollars in lost productivity resulted in business disruptions, which small businesses hit the hardest.
Infrastructure Damage:
7 They damaged roads, bridges, and critical infrastructure. Houston's roads grew impassable, making rescue and rel...
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