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The Lasting Impacts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

Essay Instructions:

U.S. History 11

Political Analyst Activity

Directions: For this assignment you are to take on the role of a political analyst.

You are to write a one page critique on the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson, in comparison to that of George Washington. In comparing the two Presidents you must point out the shortcomings and hard times brought on during the Presidency of Jefferson and the positives of the Presidencies of Washington. What were the

lasting impacts of Washington’s Presidency? What of Jefferson’s Presidency? Be sure to discuss their character, decision making processes, important events during their terms and overall impact on the nation.

Grading: This assignment will count as a Test. It will be graded out of 5 and you can receive anywhere from 0 (not a good idea) to a 5 in increments of half points. A score of 5 is scoring a hundred, a 4.5 will result in a 95 and so on and so forth. If you complete the assignment the lowest score you can receive is a 60. Papers that do not state a position (thesis) will automatically receive a score of 2 (70).

Suggestions: Remember you are writing as an analyst, you are not simply restating events or giving an account of what has happened. You are giving an opinion and attempting to convince others of your position. You must be specific and call on specific events and accounts. Take into account:

- Washington’s refusal to become a King

- Washington’s influence in creating the Constitution

- Washington’s character

- His influential actions and precedents set

- Jefferson’s lack of strength as a leader

- Jefferson’s poor economy and decision making process

- The election of 1800

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Presidency of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
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Presidency of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
The founders of America did not anticipate a world without awe of government although they intuited that a self-governing democratic nation would get by with a good deal though less of it. George Washington rejected an offer of being the king because he felt that making the presidency a king was a little too much. However, historians have identified his character as brave, morally ambitious, with a personality of Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgment (ISTJ). Besides, he was well regulated, reserved and a serious character who was also a strong traditionalist.
Among the positive accomplishments of President George was the establishment of the first bank of the United State in 1791 so as to handle the huge debts incurred between 1775 and 1783 during the War of Independence as well as to craft a standard system of currency. In addition, he created a precedent set by making the office of the president powerful through appointing the cabinet, he proposed main legislation to Congress and defined practices that highlight the Democrat character of the position.
On the other hand, President Thomas Jefferson was a strong leader, persistent and followed what he thought was right. He had made very many friends, which was a good value to make alliances with other parties. However, he had shortcomings in his ruling. He was involved in many affairs (Mayo, 2010). Such included Monticello that was run by a team of slaves. Moreover, he was poor in managing his money and many scholars’ terms him as extravagant. During his term, his words were inconsistent in declaring independence, but he did not attempt to bring slavery to an end. Moreover, he was not successful when dealing with France and Great Britain interference with the trade. This took place when Great Britain and France were waging war with each other. As a...
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